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Podcast #108 - Unlocking the Secrets of Fascia: Why This Connective Tissue System is Vital to Your Health | Bryan Geier, DC

The Science of Self-Healing Hosted by
Dr. Sharon Stills With Bryan Geier, DC

About Bryan Geier, DC

Dr. Bryan Geier, aka Doctor Fascia, is a chiropractor that specializes in treating the complete person; physical, emotional, and spiritual. He believes wellness begins when the mind, body and spirit are connected.  Integral to his success is an uncommon approach of using energy medicine to connect the physical symptoms to the suppressed emotions or mental struggles that lay deep in the subconscious and are manifested in the fascial tissue in the body.  If his patients leave their visit and have a greater sense of faith than when they arrived, he believes the session was a success. 

Dr Geier has over 10 years of experience and has treated conditions such as bulging discs, injuries from physical trauma, and frozen shoulders and some that have been ongoing for years.  Whether it’s a professional athlete, celebrity, or your everyday pickleball player, he has a willingness to see his patients thrive to the fullest extent.

Distinguished by a passion for sharing what he knows about the importance of fascial tissue and its role in keeping us healthy, Dr Geier has developed a reputation as one of the best at healing pain because he is willing to cross over into multiple planes of healing. 

Dr Geier was born in Phoenix and obtained his undergraduate degree in physiology from the University of Arizona and his Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Southern California University of Health Sciences. 

Bryan resides in Phoenix with his wife, four very active young children and their dog Zeke.

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Episode Highlights with Bryan Geier, DC

  • Bryan went into the chiropractic profession to heal people. He has always been intrigued in discovering how to efficiently treat patients both spiritually and physically. 


  • Bryan’s work has been influenced by a book called The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson. Dr. Nelson is also a chiropractor who believes that softball-sized energies block the bioregulatory flow of the human body in zones of pain, which are linked to trapped emotions. Bryan has observed in his own patients that chronic pain is 100% linked to energy within the tissue toward suppressed emotions. Once those are cleared, the physical treatment can actually take hold and the results are longer lasting. Bryan also believes that realizing or believing that this technique works keeps the pain from coming back.


  • Fascia is connective tissue which is located right under the skin and wraps around the muscle in three different layers. It then progresses into the tendon, the ligaments that are attached to the bone. From there it transitions into the joint capsule, the joint cartilage, and eventually becomes the periosteum, the lining on the bone. Fascia also wraps around the brain and the visceral organs.  


  • According to Thomas Meyer's book, Anatomy Trains, fascia is able to communicate at 720 miles an hour as a cellular tissue. Cells are communicating at the speed of sound. Bryan explains this as one of two roles of the fascia. The first role is its physical property which becomes stiff and dense and is able to compress with 2,000 pounds of force, and is an important component of the body’s musculoskeletal system. The other role of fascia is that it is part of the extracellular matrix, which allows communication to flow throughout the body. 


  • Bryan believes that the fascial chain systems are 100% correlated and connected to acupuncture meridians.


  • Bryan has also been influenced by Dr. David Hawkins, who believes that human beings have three planes: physical, mental, and spiritual. He believes that the physical plane is the least important while the spiritual plane is the most important. 


  • Bryan uses QiGong principles of breath and movement which involve repetitive movement patterns which promotes water to wash and flow throughout the fascia - in other words, an energy flowing system. This is the ancient wisdom of many cultures.


  • Bryan has coined a technique he calls the Fascia 40. He has his patients touch their toes 20 times, then take a rest to allow the water to flow into the fascia, then touch their toes 20 more times to increase their range of motion. 


  • Bryan believes that the optimal sleeping position for the fascia to keep it flexible and pliable, is to have patients sleep on their backs with a skinny head pillow and a pillow or two under their knees to help decompress the spine. The second choice is to have patients sleep on their side hugging a really big chest pillow so that their chest doesn't collapse and over strain the trap and neck area. Their head pillow needs to be the width of their shoulder so that their neck is in alignment, and a pillow between their knees helps keep the tension in their hips loose and their low back aligned.  


  • Quantum physicists believe that we do not store memories in the brain but in the tissue instead, and that our mind is outside of us and can interconnect with other human beings. Dr. David Hawkins created a scale of consciousness (our thoughts) from 0 to 1,000. He believes that unhealthy thoughts are under 200, and are the cause of 90% of all disease. Zero is dead, 20 is shame, guilt is 30, apathy and depression are 50, grief (i.e. you just lost someone) is 75, fear is 100, desire (i.e. I want to be really rich) is 125, anger is 150, and pride is 175 (this is the highest, lowest level energy). Healthier thoughts such as courage and open-mindedness are higher levels, and neutrality is 250. Joy and love are at 500 and 540 and then 600 is inner peace and beyond is enlightenment.


  • There has been cutting-edge research in the fascia in recent years, and Harvard has recently credited the fascia as the meta-system.

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