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Nikola Tesla es pionero de la medicina bioreguladora por sus contribuciones al campo de la electromedicina y la biofísica. Tesla creó más de 700 inventos, muchos de los cuales se están utilizando ahora. Era un científico nacido antes de su tiempo y un prolífico ingeniero eléctrico.

Desafortunadamente, su genio fue explotado, y sufrió muchos asaltos por parte de industriales y otros que intentaron robar o reprimir sus ideas visionarias.

Primeros años (1856-1885)

Nikola Tesla nació el 10 de julio de 1856 de padres serbios en el pueblo de Smiljan, ubicado en el Imperio austríaco (hoy en día Croacia). Tesla nació alrededor de la medianoche, durante una feroz tormenta eléctrica. Según la leyenda familiar, a mediados de su nacimiento, la partera se retorció las manos y declaró que el rayo era un mal presagio. Este niño será un niño de la oscuridad, dijo, a lo que su madre respondió: "No. Será un hijo de luz ".

Su padre, Milutin Tesla (1819-1879), era un sacerdote ortodoxo serbio. La madre de Tesla, Đuka Tesla (Mandic) (1822-1892), cuyo padre también era sacerdote ortodoxo serbio, tenía talento para fabricar herramientas para el hogar y aparatos mecánicos; También tenía la capacidad de memorizar poemas épicos serbios. Duka nunca recibió una educación formal. Nikola atribuye su memoria eidética y habilidades creativas a la genética e influencia de su madre.

Tesla fue el cuarto de cinco hijos. Tenía un hermano mayor llamado Dane y tres hermanas, Milka, Angelina y Marica. Dane murió en un accidente de equitación cuando Nikola tenía cinco años.


A Railway Accident

After a railway accident, in which he almost became a victim, he decided to investigate the causes of this accident. As a result of this investigation, he created engineering proposals for improving mounting rails to the sleepers. He designed a step bolt to lock rails safely to sleepers and a ruler to measure the slope of a railway line and to reduce the time needed to lay down rails. This device made the railway more stable and solid.

June 2nd, 1901, his brother Joseph Pierre Lakhovsky died in Paris, and the loss of his younger brother, who was very close to him, was an emotional shock. 


Challenging Times

In 1905, he married a young Parisian, Louise Anne-Marie Reinach, and they had three children: Pierre Joseph Lakhovsky, born April 25, 1907, Nadine Lakhovsky, born August 19, 1910, and Serge Avraham Lakhovsky, born December 18, 1913. Serge Lakhovsky lived to carry on Georges’ legacy until his death on January 3rd, 2003, at 89 years old. 

In 1906, Lakhovsky became seriously ill with a stomach ulcer, but he soon recovered with a strict diet. In 1907, Lakhovsky lost his father and in the same year, he naturalized as a French citizen.

In 1911, he became seriously ill again, and his prognosis was grim. Instead of giving up and falling into severe depression, he completely immersed himself in work, using every moment of life allotted to him. He extensively researched cellular biology and cellular oscillation. He began studying the effect of short electromagnetic waves on biological organisms and cells. Much of his early studies on cell biology provided a foundation for his later inventions in treating disease.  

In 1914, the war began, and Lakhovsky served France in many capacities. By the end of the war, Lakhovsky devoted himself entirely to scientific disciplines. He was passionate about radio and the discoveries of Hertz, Branly, Marconi, General Ferrie, and the work of d’Arsonval. He continued to design devices and invented a lamp with multiple electrodes for aircraft (French patent number 601,155) and German (patent number 427,695).


A Love of Inventing

Radio broadcasting had come of age, but the quality of the audio was still inferior. Lakhovsky had the idea to build a highly damped speaker diaphragm with double-walled pavilion, that considerably improved the sound quality. Over time he brought successive enhancements to this invention, improving sound reproductions, earpieces, and double-lined loudspeakers filled with a mix of an oil fluid, and gums in solutions with glycerin jelly. The resulting sounds exhibited a richer range of acoustics in its harmony of frequencies.

Cellular Oscillations 

Aside from acoustic engineering inventions, Lakhovsky was interested in cellular biology. He was particularly fascinated with the works of Dr. Louis-Félix Henneguy, a French zoologist and embryologist. Lakhovsky researched the concept of “Cellular Oscillation” from the structure of the nucleus presented by Dr. Henneguy. He conceived that oscillating circuits cannot vibrate without the induction of radiant energy. At that time the world was fascinated by the discoveries of the Astro-physicists Hess, Gôkel, Kolhôrster, and Millikan, on ultra-penetrating cosmic waves.

Lakhovsky brought two ideas together: cellular oscillation and cosmic waves.  He formed a hypothesis on the chemistry of the living physical bodies, that their component parts are vibratory, and oscillations occur within the radiating, vibrating energies. Lakhovsky thought that the living cell is powered by integrating the oscillatory phenomena of heat, light, electricity, and magnetism. That the organic chemical corpuscles respond, in varying degrees of manifestations, to the laws of exchange and interlinkages, of the resonances, and inductions that exist on earth, in the solar system. This was explained in his book “Cellular Oscillation” published in 1921.

Lakhovsky further explained in his books, Le Secret de la Vie, and especially in La Terre et Nous, that every living cell draws its oscillatory energy from the field of secondary radiations resulting from the ionization of the geological substances of the earth by cosmic radiations.

He proposed that many internal and external stimuli can disturb the oscillating equilibrium of cells. For instance, a great variation in the intensity of the ambient radiations (cosmic, atmospheric, and telluric), the demineralization of the organic matter constituting the cellular substance, or traumas causing the destruction of the nucleus and the protoplasm by shock, are common causes of cellular disturbance, and consequently, of illness and death. Certain natural radiations are particularly toxic, especially those originating on Earth (geopathic currents). Many cancer cases have been attributed to these toxic radiations and proven experimentally, notably in Germany by Dr. Rambeau of Marburg. Therefore, earth radiation sometimes causes disturbance of the cellular oscillatory equilibrium of the organism.

Early "Electro-Culture"

In December 1924, Lakhovsky also began experimenting with metal circuits: or "oscillating circuits" using first copper and later various metals. He was invited to research his equipment at the Salpêtrière Hospital. 
He inoculated 10 geranium plants with cancer cultures that produced tumors. After 30 days, tumors had developed in all 30 cm (12") in diameter around the center of the plant. He took one of the 10 infected plants and simply fashioned a heavy copper wire in one loop, an open-ended coil about antennae or a tuning coil, collecting and concentrating oscillation energy from extremely high-frequency cosmic rays. The diameter of the copper loop determined which range of frequencies would be captured. He found that the 30 cm loop captured frequencies that fell within the resonant frequency range of the plant's cells. This captured energy reinforced the resonant oscillations naturally produced by the nucleus of the germanium's cells. This allowed the plant to overwhelm the oscillations of the cancer cells and destroy the cancer. The tumors fell off in less than 3 weeks and by 2 months the plant was thriving. All the other cancer-inoculated plants without the antennae coil- died within 30 days. In his book, Lakhovsky shows pictures of the recovered plant after 2 months, 6 months, and 1 year. Three years later, with the original coil left in place, the plant grew into a very robust specimen. These “oscillating circuits” were without any artificial excitation. This was the early beginning of “electro-culture”. on plants. 

Experiments with Terminally Ill Cancer Patients

Lakhovsky then proceeded to tackle cancerous tumors in humans and fashioned loops of copper wire that could be worn around the waist, neck, elbows, wrists, knees, or ankles of people. He found that over time relief of painful symptoms was obtained. He theorized that these simple coils, worn continuously around certain parts of the body, would invigorate the vibrational strength of cells and increase the immune response which in turn detoxified the cells and mitigated tumors.

The Radio Cellular Oscillator

Next, Lakhovsky construed a device that produced a broad range of high-frequency pulsed signals that radiate energy to the patient via two round resonators, one resonator acting as a transmitter and the other as a receiver. He called it a Radio Cellular Oscillator. The machine generates a very wide spectrum of high frequencies coupled with static high-voltage charges applied to the resonators. These high voltages cause a corona discharge around the perimeter of the outside resonator ring that Lakhovsky called effluvia. The patient sat on a wooden stool in between the two resonators and was exposed to these energies for about fifteen minutes. The frequency waves sped up the recovery process by stimulating the resonance of healthy cells in the patient and in doing so, increased the immune response to the disease organisms. This invention produced very short electric waves, from 2 to 10 meters in length.

In 1925, Lakhovsky wrote a Radio News Magazine article entitled "Curing Cancer with Ultra Radio Frequencies."  That year Lakhovsky was invited to apply his Radio Cellular Oscillator to terminally ill cancer patients which resulted in positive effects. However, during one experiment, Lakhovsky received a discharge of 1600 volts by touching the device. He was paralyzed for more than three weeks. He underwent therapy with massage and magnetism and after two weeks he was fully recovered. This event allowed him later, with his theories, to understand the reasons for the effectiveness of massage and magnetism.

In 1926 he published “The Origin of Life”, prefaced by d’Arsonval

For six years he continued his cancer research at the Salpétriere Hospital.  He employed short waves, using very low power, from 10 to 12 watts, with a limited duration of treatment. He succeeded in curing some terminal cancer patients but also experienced failures. He continued his experiments in other hospitals throughout Paris. However, in 1929, he gave up using short waves emitted on a single wavelength due to its potentially harmful thermal damage.

Multiple-Wave Oscillator

In 1931, due to limitations of his first short wave (from 2 to 10 m) oscillator and because of its ineffectiveness in some cases, he developed a more sophisticated device he called “The Multiple Wave Oscillator”. The device consisted of two broadband antennae (a sending and a receiving pair) composed of concentric sets of curved open-ended copper pieces suspended/held in place by silk threads, two metal stands to hold the two antennae, Oudin coil(s), and electromagnetic spark/pulse generator. This device emitted different electromagnetic wavelengths. 

After many experiments, Lakhovsky succeeded in constructing an apparatus generating an electrostatic field in which all frequencies, from 3 meters to the infra-red region, could be produced. Hence, in this field, every cell could find its own frequency and vibrate in resonance. Moreover, he showed that a circuit supplied by damped high-frequency currents gives rise to numerous harmonics. These considerations led Lakhovsky to invent an oscillator of multiple wavelengths in the field in which every cell, every organ, every nerve, and every tissue, could find its unique frequency. To this end, he devised a diffuser consisting of a series of separated concentric oscillating circuits connected by silk threads. Thus, a type of oscillator was obtained giving all fundamental wavelengths from 10 cm to 400 meters, corresponding to frequencies of 750,000 to three milliards per second. In addition to this, each circuit emits numerous harmonics which, together with their fundamental waves, interference waves, and effluvia, may extend as far as the infra-red and visible light regions (1-300 trillion vibrations per second).

In the middle of 1931, Lakhovsky began to use his multiple-wave oscillator in different French clinics. He realized that better results might be obtained by giving an oscillatory shock to all the cells of the body simultaneously. Such a very brief shock, produced by damped electrostatic waves, does not cause a prolonged thermal effect, and therefore cannot injure the cells. Lakhovsky’s aim was to produce an oscillatory shock that would cause the diseased cells to oscillate periodically, or not at a specific rate.  This proved positive in healing some cancer patients. 

Each ring of his special antenna system radiated at a different wavelength and frequency dependent upon its diameter. The different size rings would set up interference patterns between themselves, producing a plethora of harmonic frequencies at many different wavelengths. 

Cancer Treatment with Multiple Wave Oscillatory Device
     Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscillatory Device

Original File Patent for Multiple Wave Oscillator

When asked about his device treating illness Lakhovsky replied:

        This is not to try to kill the microbe in living organisms, but to activate cellular oscillation of normal cells by applying a direct ray means appropriate to the balance and bring the disappearance of the effect of microbial oscillations. “He added: “The type of radiation produced by the waves I advocate is harmless in contrast to those of X-rays or radium. 

Essentially, the device consists of a transmitter and a receiving resonator, both arranged to set up an electromagnetic field in their immediate vicinity. The patient is placed between the two oscillators separated from each other by about 0.8 to 1.5 meters. The current is then switched on and the apparatus functions instantly. The duration of treatment and number of applications depend on the state of the patient and the nature of the disease. In clinical practice, a quarter of an hour was usually employed for each application, with sessions every other day. It should be particularly noted that, unlike the average type of short-wave generator in use in medical practice, the Multiple Wave Oscillator had no reported side effects. The electric field generated by this apparatus cannot overheat or burn the tissues.

In electronics, circuits that generate these recurrent sine waves can be called electromagnetic resonators, but more commonly they are referred to as oscillators. Lakhovsky tells us that not only do all living cells produce and radiate oscillations of very high frequencies, but they also receive and respond to oscillations imposed upon them from outside sources. According to Lakhovsky, this outside source of radiation or oscillations is due to cosmic rays that bombard the Earth continuously as well modern-day sources such as TVs, radios, computers, cell phones, and countless others. This incredible realization, achieved during the golden years of radio, not only led to a new method of healing by the application of high-frequency waves but broadened appreciation for the newly emerging field of hidden science known as Radionics or Radiesthesia.

When these outside sources of oscillations are in resonance with cellular frequencies, the strength and vigor of that cell will be reinforced and become stronger. If, on the other hand, these outside frequencies are of a slightly different frequency, rather than reinforce the cell's native oscillations, they might dampen or weaken them, resulting in a loss of vigor and vitality for that cell. The cells of disease-causing organisms within an infected person produce different frequencies than that of normal, healthy cells. For people or plants suffering from disease conditions, Lakhovsky found that if he could increase the amplitude (of the resonant frequency) of the oscillations of healthy cells, this increase would overwhelm and dampen the oscillations produced by the disease-causing cells, thus harmonizing, and balancing the human biofield. Lakhovsky viewed the progression of the disease as essentially a battle between the resonant oscillations of host cells versus the oscillations emanating from pathogenic organisms.

When questioned by one of his friends why he did not take the fee for treatment, Lakhovsky replied: “I have dedicated my whole life, all my money to fight cancer. The best reward is to see how poor people are cured by the use of my machine. There is nothing better than to see patients after several years healthy and full strength, in whose eyes I read thanks and appreciation. It is for me more valuable than all the riches and honors of this world.”

January 14, 1931, his other younger brother Abraham Alexandre Lakhovsky died at the age of 49. That same year, Lakhovsky published his classic text “Cellular Oscillation”. It pictured dozens of experiments that had taken place in France and various other countries by scientific bodies over several years. The results of his research were submitted to Paris’ Academy of Sciences, London’s Royal Society, Berlin’s Chemical Society, and Portugal’s Academy of Sciences (20 July 1933).

Lakhovsky received authorization from the managers of several Parisian hospitals to provide care for several cancer sufferers, in some cases achieving unexpected cures from 1931 to 1938. In 1937, he exhibited at the Vienna Congress the results he achieved with its latest device.  

Los años intermedios (1886-1899)

Durante su segundo año en el Politécnico de Austria, en una conferencia sobre ingeniería eléctrica impartida por el profesor Poeschl, Tesla fue testigo de una demostración de una dinamo que funcionaba como motor. Fue entonces cuando Tesla, por primera vez, tuvo una idea de un motor de corriente alterna, sin conmutadores ni escobillas. Tesla entró en conflicto con el profesor Poeschl por la dínamo Gramme, cuando sugirió que los conmutadores no eran necesarios. Gramme dynamo es un generador eléctrico que produce corriente continua, llamado así por su inventor belga, Zénobe Gramme, y fue construido como dinamo o magneto. Fue el primer generador en producir energía a escala comercial para la industria. Un conmutador es un interruptor eléctrico giratorio en ciertos tipos de motores eléctricos y generadores eléctricos que periódicamente invierte la dirección de la corriente entre el rotor y el circuito externo.

Ese mismo año, Tesla desarrolló una habilidad apasionada para el billar, el ajedrez y el juego de cartas, a veces pasando más de 48 horas seguidas en una mesa de juego. Se informó que durante su tercer año, jugó su asignación y el dinero de la matrícula, pero luego recuperó sus pérdidas iniciales y devolvió el saldo financiero a su familia. Luego anunció que había "conquistado su pasión por el juego". Sin embargo, cuando llegó el momento del examen, Tesla no estaba preparado y solicitó una extensión para estudiar, pero fue denegado. Nunca se graduó de la Politécnica de Austria en Graz.

En diciembre de 1878, a la edad de 22 años, Tesla dejó Graz y cortó todas las relaciones con su familia para ocultar el hecho de que había abandonado la escuela. Tesla viajó a Maribor (ahora en Eslovenia), donde trabajó como dibujante durante 60 florines al mes. Pasaba gran parte de su tiempo libre jugando a las cartas con los lugareños en las calles. En marzo de 1879, el padre de Tesla, Milutin, viajó a Maribor para pedirle a su hijo que volviera a casa, pero Nikola se negó. Nikola sufrió una crisis nerviosa al mismo tiempo.

En marzo de 1879, Tesla fue devuelto a Gospić bajo vigilancia policial por no tener un permiso de residencia. El 17 de abril de 1879, Milutin Tesla murió a la edad de 60 años después de contraer una enfermedad no especificada. Ese año, Tesla enseñó a una gran clase de estudiantes en su antigua escuela secundaria, Higher Real Gymnasium, en Gospić.

“The Secret of Life” was first published in French in 1935. The book appeared later in Spanish, French, Italian, and finally in English in 1939. "My experiments in the field of radiation research are now established facts that could not be explained by the classical theories of science until now. My new theory finally provides the necessary explanation. In conclusion, my theory can be summarized in the form of this threefold principle: Life is created by radiation, sustained by radiation, and destroyed by an oscillatory imbalance.... "

Later Life 

In 1941, when France was occupied by the Nazi Germans, Lakhovsky, a vocal anti-Nazi, had to leave Paris, and moved to New York. He was welcomed in New York by Dr. Disraeli Kobak. In a letter from Lakhovsky to Dr. Kobak dated May 20, 1941, wrote: 

“As you may have heard, I had to leave France on account of the numerous books I have written against Nazism. Germans are entering Paris and confiscated my belongings and have burned all my papers”.

Lakhovsky, together with Dr. Kobak treated several thousand patients suffering from various diseases using the Multiple Wave Oscillator between 1941 and 1958. 

In January 1945, the “Lakhovsky Multiples Waves Institute” was founded in New York. Its chairman was Disraeli Kobak, MD, who was also “Editor Emeritus” of the Physical Therapy Journals. Its deputy chairman was scientist Albert Verleyh and Serge Lakhovsky was the secretary. 

After some fifteen years, hundreds of Multiple Wave Oscillators were being used by veterinarians, doctors, and surgeons to treat numerous diseases, mainly in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Monaco, Morocco, the Pacific Islands, the Philippines, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Spain, San Marino, Switzerland, and the United States. Since its inception in 1931, the Multiple Wave Oscillator has been applied by many workers with no harmful effects on patients or medical personnel ever being reported. This is in striking contrast with short-wave therapy, X-rays, and radium, whose application, particularly in the case of the latter, has not infrequently been followed by the most serious consequences.

Many doctors and scientists began experimenting with Lakhovsky’s Multi-wave oscillator.  The magnitude of Lakhovsky’s work was well-known among European biologists and physicists. Many eminent scholars, among them Dr. Caligaris, Professor of Neurology at the University of Rome, Professor Attilj, Chief Radiologist at San Spirito in Sassia Hospital in Rome, and Dr. Postma, a prominent Dutch physician have published volumes explaining Lakhovsky’s theories and inventions in Europe.


Lakhovsky died August 31st, 1942, at the Adelphi Hospital in Brooklyn, after suffering from an auto accident. A limousine struck and injured him, and even though he was not severely harmed, he agreed to go to the hospital for evaluation. He died under suspicious circumstances. Lakhovsky’s son Serge was convinced that his father had been deliberately hit and then murdered in the hospital. He tried everything possible to find the perpetrators to no avail.

Soon after his death, multiple wave oscillators were removed from his clinic and hospitals and patients were told that the therapy was no longer available. Except for this brief trial in New York, Lakhovsky's work remained completely unknown to the American public. Even the spectacular success of the New York cases was quickly forgotten. It seems that hidden hands were at work when it came to obliterating the memory of Lakhovsky's Multi-Wave Oscillator in America.

        A Legacy

Only a short time after Lakhovsky’s death the FDA made a complete ban on the employment of the Multiple Wave Oscillator on the grounds that this device “only served quackery and did not possess any healing effect”. Its sale and the treatment of people were banned, and the devices already sold were largely recovered and abolished in hospitals.
Today, many alternative medical equipment manufacturers and retailers claim to sell revised versions of Georges Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscillator. Recently 3 original multiple wave oscillators were discovered once belonging to Dr. Boris Vassileff. These machines were produced during the years 1932 - 1942 by the Laboratoires C.O.L.Y.S.A, Georges Lakhovsky's former company in Paris. 

A complete technical analysis study has been done by MultiWaveResearch -

At the time of his death, Lakhovsky was 73 years old, leaving his beloved wife and closest collaborator (his son Serge) who would continue his work with Dr. Kobak. He was buried in the Paris Cimetière de Passy. Lakhovsky’s wife, Louise Anne-Marie (Reinach) Lakhovsky died July 23, 1961, at the age of 80.

During the 1960s Serge Lakhovsky returned to France and continued work on a modernization of the Radio Cellular Oscillator and in particular the seven-metal oscillating circuit for the C.O.L.Y.S.A company.

Georges Lakhovsky was an exceptional scientist and inventor who pioneered the theory of cellular oscillation, according to which the cells are small oscillatory circuits emitting electromagnetic waves. This has now been proven by the research of Fritz-Albert Popp and others. At a time when few people had even heard of electromagnetism, Lakhovsky was investigating ways to use it to treat illnesses like cancer and foster better health. He was thinking far ahead of his generation, and he left behind a rich legacy of research. 

Lakhovsky claimed to identify the existence of an impalpable substance, which penetrates all objects and living beings, extending into the universe and interstellar space. He called this substance Universion (Universe + Ion). According to Lakhovsky, it is the basic substance from which all physical matter and living beings are derived by way of condensation. Many of his ideas about the universal source of all life and matter are explained in his book “L’Universion”. 

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Waves That Heal PDF



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