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James DeMeo


In the 1930s, Dr. Wilhelm Reich made reports in published books and research journals, and to the French Academy of Science, on the discovery of a microscopical vesicle of around 1 micron, which appeared as a transitional form between living and non-living substance. Called the Bion, this vesicle could be derived in abundance as a break-down product from the incandescent heating and freeze/thaw disintegration of inorganic materials such as iron dust, charcoal, clay, or ground up rock powder or beach sand, as well as from deteriorating living tissues. Bions, he observed, were charged with a specific life-energetic radiation of blue color, possessed living properties, could be cultured, and also could re-organize into clumps out of which larger and more complex micro-organisms such as ameba or protozoans would arise. He argued this was an additional process in nature whereby new living microbes could arise from non-living or previously alive matter, aside from the known pathways of dormant spores or direct cell replication. Degeneration and rotting of dying plant or animal tissues, where the life-energetic cohesive charge had been lost, or the deterioration of inorganic matter in water, would give rise to bion formation, after which the chemistry and environment of the solutions would determine how far the life-process would go. Reich argued a similar bionous decay process was at work in the human body to give rise to certain microbes, including cancer cells, which resembled protozoans in many ways. The human bio-energy, or orgone energy as he called it, played a fundamental role in the cohesion of tissues and cells. This is not "spontaneous generation" but a specific developmental process with similarities to the works of Bechamp, Bastian and other nearly-forgotten pioneers in biology. Reich's work on bionous disintegration anticipated such modern findings as the phenomenon of apoptosis, and new observations on unexpected abundant life in deep-sea hydrothermal vents or boiling hot springs, or life-like forms in incandescent-heated meteorites or deep within the Earth's crustal rock. Reich's bion vesicles thereby have many similarities to modern archaea or extremophiles, and his work suggests to the field of exobiology, that wherever liquid water exists in the cosmos, abundant microbial life should be found. As one of the earliest natural scientists to engage in open research on the Origins Of Life question, a regrettable ridicule and attack followed his work across Europe and into America. In spite of many replications of his experiments on the bions by a small group of credible scientists, professors and physicians world-wide, a great ignorance and hostility about his work still persists within the mainstream community. This video was produced in hopes to stimulate more openness, particularly among younger students of biology and medicine. It documents one such replication study, undertaken by Dr. James DeMeo, Director of the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, and presented as a PowerPoint lecture in 2000 to the Second International Symposium on Pleomorphic Microbes in Health and Disease. A reference list to books and articles are provided in the video, but similar information can be obtained from the weblinks to follow. The presentation is difficult to fully appreciate in the small format of YouTube, and much of the fine detail (and some of the blue energy-field color around red blood cells) is lost, but this is only an introduction to a complex subject, and it is suggested to view at "double size" to optimize the microphoto images over the text, which remains readable. To learn more about James DeMeo's research, buy his books via (do a browser search on his name) or go here: Dr. DeMeo's research website is: Please consider supporting Dr. DeMeo's research through a tax-deductible donation to the non-profit Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory.

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