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David Minkoff

Working with the Body, Not Against It - Longevity, Cancer, Auto-immune, Wellness and More! | Dr. David Minkoff

The Science of Self-Healing Hosted by
Dr. Sharon Stills With David Minkoff

About David Minkoff

Dr. David Minkoff graduated from the University of Wisconsin Medical School in 1974 and was elected to the “Phi Beta Kappa” of medical schools, the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Medical Fraternity for very high academic achievement.

He is board certified in pediatrics and has completed a fellowship in Infectious Diseases at the University of California in San Diego, which included research in developing new medicines to fight viral disease. As a clinical faculty member at the University, he also served as co-director of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Palomar Medical Center.

For 12 years Dr. Minkoff worked in Emergency Medicine at the Community Hospital of New Port Richey, Florida which ranks in the top 100 hospitals in the U.S. This emergency room has a chest pain center considered in the top 1 percent of all such centers in the U.S.

In addition to his traditional medical training, Dr. Minkoff has extensive post-graduate training in Complementary and Alternative Medicine. He is an expert in Functional Medicine, Chelation, Allergy Elimination, European Biological Medicine, Neural Therapy, Longevity/Aging Medicine, Enderlein Therapy, Insulin Potentiated Therapy, and more.

With this training, he co-founded LifeWorks Wellness Center in 1997, one of the largest alternative medical clinics in the U.S. This wellness center combines more cutting-edge alternative therapies and modalities under the same roof than almost any other alternative clinic in the country.

In 2000, he founded BodyHealth, a nutrition company which offers a unique range of dietary supplements to the public and practitioners. He is also currently on the board of Home Health Works, an agency which offers in-home care and which was founded by Dr. Minkoff’s wife, Sue Minkoff R.N.

Dr. Minkoff is passionate about fitness and is a 41-time Ironman finisher. He also devotes much of his time to writing and research. He also writes two newsletters each week, The Optimum Health Report and the BodyHealth Fitness Newsletter.

Resources Mentioned:

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Episode Highlights with David Minkoff

  • To achieve longevity, you must follow the simple rules of biology:

  • Eat organic food

  • Have proper sleep hygiene

  • Get adequate sunshine

  • Get adequate exercise

  • Associate with positive, high-vibrating people

  • Maintain a balanced diet

  • At the LifeWorks Wellness Center, there are IV therapy capabilities, hyperbaric oxygen chambers, PEMF technology, and more.

  • Biology is extremely simple: get the bad things out of the body, and put the good things in. The body does the healing!

  • ExtraCorporeal Blood Oxygen Ozone (EBOO)

  • Akin to a dialysis machine - recycles, oxygenates and ozones the blood

  • Once weekly treatment provides amazing results for patients who have heavy metals, long-term infections, mold, long-haul covid, vaccine injured, etc.

  • Methylene blue assists the body in producing energy - can be given intravenously or orally.  It is also possible to expose the methylene blue to different wavelengths of light to influence the effect it has on the body.

  • Methylene blue does kill viruses and bacteria, so beginning slowly is important in case the person is overloaded with toxins/pathogens and creates a detox crisis.  

  • Dr. Minkoff’s center can send blood samples of patients to overseas labs to detect cancer cells in the blood if they are present.

  • Standard chemo drugs are high-level potent poisons. It may kill the cancer cells, but it will also slowly kill the patient, the healthy organs.  The success rate with chemo/radiation is simply not good enough.

  • Low-dose chemo therapy in conjunction with other treatments such as Vitamin C & curcumin IV, and other immune support will assist the body while it undergoes treatment, and also target the tumor cells better.

  • Apoptosis is automated cell-death once a cell becomes too unhealthy to function. It is akin to a “button” getting pushed once the cell is not sustainable, and it dies. Apoptosis is a healthy function that occurs millions of times per day within the body.  Cancer, however, produces a protein that blocks that “button” to signal cell-death, and all of a sudden the cell won’t die.

  • There has been an IV treatment developed which administers a protein that blocks the blocking cancer protein, and the cell is able to follow through with apoptosis.

  • SOT - Supportive Oglionucleotide Treatment

  • Chronic disease patients have imbalanced phospholipid panels.

  • Elevated homocysteine is an indicator of higher risk for cardiac disease.  MTFHR issues could be present. 

  • Auto-immune paleo diet is a great starting point for everyone.  Ensuring a BM every day.  Amino acids every day.

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