Etiology, or cause of illness, is one of the most interesting areas of medicine, but also one of the most complex.
Generally speaking, at the core of every illness are psychoemotional and environmental toxins that have overwhelmed the body’s regulative and homodynamic mechanisms.
Imagine a barrel, that over time, is filled with toxins (both physical and nonphysical). Once the barrel is full, it overflows, and symptoms appear.
Over the years, the sum of these factors play an important role in the development of chronic illness. This process may be sudden, or may act insidiously over months or even years.
The factors that fill each barrel are unique to the individual, and each individual is unique in their ability to regulate and adapt.
According to Mizoguchi, “A disease is a dependent continuant constituted of one or more causal chains of clinical disorders appearing in a human body and initiated by at least one disorder.”
Etiologies usually exist simultaneously and disease causal chains develop (one begetting the other). An individual disease undergoes changes as it evolves, and some of these changes may cause new diseases to appear. In some cases, some symptoms may appear as after-effects lingering beyond the point when the original disease was cured.
The concept of causal chains is rarely discussed in clinical conventional medicine. Identifying the beginning of the causal chain enables the practitioner not only to discover the primary cause of the illness, but also to identify the weakest afflicted organ or system. When we collect individual causal chains belonging to a particular disease type, we are able to find a common causal chain (partial chain) that appears in all of the instance chains. Bioregulatory medicine evaluates how these changes should be dealt with based on disease ontology.
Essentially, causal chains are flow charts that represent the evolution of the pathological history of the patient since they take into account all the possible manifestations and evolution of a disease that affects a specific area of the body.
Disease barrel etiologies and causal chains are uniquely expressed within each individual. This may be in part due to genetic predisposition, emotional/mental characteristics, bioenergetic factors, social circumstances, and numerous other factors. It cannot be overstated that we are all biochemical, genetically, and psychoemotionally unique, and must be treated that way.

In bioregulatory medicine, symptoms of diseases are considered alarm signals that appear as patterns of regulatory disharmony. Symptoms are the final manifestation of what usually is a long pathological chain of events. The initial causative factors often lie in much deeper dimensions, far removed from the apparent symptom.
Symptoms such as allergies, inflammation, pain, headaches, exhaustion, depression, tension, sleeplessness, indigestion and recurrent infections are all signs that the body is not adapting to its environment, and/or that its internal milieu is disturbed. These are classic responses to an overload of drugs, toxic chemicals, pollution, poor quality or allergenic foods, psychoemotional stress, and other causative factors.
“Illness symptoms are an attempt to regulate against stimuli that have disrupted the equilibrium of the body in an unusually severe manner. For the number of stimuli that exist, as many attempts are made by the body to regulate. The practitioner who recognizes the illness symptoms as warning signs – that something in the life process is not correct; who recognizes therein the defensive attempts of the organism against disruptions to its normal functions; who sees certain secretion and excretion processes not as an illness but rather as excretion and healing processes; who does not disrupt the healing attempts of the organism but rather supports and promotes them; who is finally able to come to the right conclusion about the defensive capabilities of the organism and which reaction remedies it is able to use without causing the body damage – that practitioner is a long way ahead in prescribing a proper therapy.”