Edgar Lynn Cayce was born March 18th, 1877, a little more than a decade after the American Civil War on a farm near Beverly, Kentucky, a small town south of Hopkinsville. He has been called the "sleeping prophet," and one of the most documented psychics and medical intuitives of the 20th century. He was the second child of Leslie Burr Cayce (1853-1937) and Carrie Elizabeth Major Cayce (1855-1927), but the first to survive. His parents were farmers and had six children total. Edgar was particularly close to his father’s parents, Sarah Pearline (1826-1893) and Thomas Jefferson Cayce (1829-1881). Unfortunately, when he was 4 years old, he witnessed the tragic drowning of his grandfather Thomas. Throughout his childhood, he claimed to have been visited by his deceased grandfather who told him stories of the civil war. In addition to seeing and talking to his late grandfather's spirit, he often played with "imaginary friends" whom he said were spirits on the other side. He also displayed an uncanny ability to memorize the pages of a book simply by sleeping with the book under his pillow. As a child, he was an avid reader of the Old Testament, though he considered himself a “dull student.” It is said that in his youth he read the Bible as many as 67 times. At age eleven, Cayce, while reading his Bible in the forest, was visited by a “woman with wings” who asked him what the thing was that he wanted the most. He responded that he would like to become a missionary, helping others, especially sick children.

“Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.”

-Edgar Cayce
1893–1912: Young Adult and Bowling Green Kentucky Period

In 1893, at the age of 16, he was forced to quit school after completing only 8 grades to help his family work in the fields. At that time his father was barely keeping the family from poverty. In December 1993, the family quit the farm and moved to Hopkinsville and lived at 705 West Seventh on the southeast corner of Seventh and Young Streets. Cayce's education stopped in the ninth grade because his family could not afford the costs involved. At that time, a ninth-grade education was often considered more than sufficient for working children. In 1895 at the age of 18, he fell in love with Gertrude Evans who was 15 years old. After the first meetings, they went together to many social gatherings and Cayce started to reveal more about himself to her over time. He proposed to her in March 1897 and Gertrude accepted it even though she had some problems with his unusual abilities. Though they had become engaged, Cayce wanted to find a better-paying job before they were to marry. In 1900, at the age of 23, Cayce and his father went on the road working as traveling insurance agents for the ‘Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society.’ Unfortunately, Edgar caught and developed laryngitis, and lost his voice down to a whisper and was unable to sell insurance. He returned to Hopkinsville to a photography job that did not require him to speak. He began an apprenticeship at the photography studio of W. R. Bowles in Hopkinsville, and eventually became quite talented in his trade. Cayce soon became a proficient photographer. But after 10 months of unsuccessful medical treatment for his voice, he began to lose hope for a cure.

He was introduced to a hypnotherapist/physician who instructed him on self-hypnosis. Cayce went into a deep trance and remarkably described the condition in his vocal cords, even advising the physician how to treat his condition. The advice was to increase the blood circulation to the affected area. Eventually, Cayce’s voice began to heal and after several follow-up hypnotherapy sessions, the cure turned out to be a permanent one. After his voice recovered, he continued to engage in self-hypnosis. When in an altered hypnotic state Cayce began to vocally describe people’s illnesses with precise medical terms, in a scientific medical language he knew nothing about in his waking state. Recommended medical remedies followed and he became successful in helping others with their afflictions. Cayce’s family and friends were astounded at his abilities. When word got around of his unique talents, he was besieged with requests by the sick to diagnose and recommend treatments for their afflictions. He soon became known as a ‘psychic doctor.’ However, Cayce was uncomfortable with his new talent, as he was not a doctor and did not know medicine. He did not want to hold that responsibility, particularly because he did not fully understand what was happening while he was in a trance.
Soon afterward he moved to Bowling Green, Kentucky, and worked in a bookstore. He joined a nearby church and began teaching Sunday school, a profession that had interested him since his early teens. However, he greatly missed his fiancée Gertrude in Hopkinsville. So, in June of 1903, after 6 years of engagement, he married Gertrude Evans. Cayce then began a photographic studio in Bowling Green.

Cayce’s reputation as a psychic and medical intuitive followed him to Bowling Green. He was still not sure how he was able to correctly diagnose illnesses and recommend effective treatments, but he knew he wanted to help people. So, he once again began his medical trance sessions. Doctors came and tested his abilities and he correctly diagnosed patients in his hypnotic state. This infuriated many doctors who were jealous and wanted to disprove his abilities. He eventually did not allow anyone to further test his abilities.
During this time his church accused him of heresy, of which he was later acquitted. In 1906, his photographic studio was destroyed by fire which left him in considerable debt. He rebuilt, but incredibly another fire destroyed his second studio. Amid this seemingly ‘bad luck’ he and Gertrude had their first child Hugh Lynn Cayce, (3-16- 1907 to 7-4-1982).
Cayce, the new father, eventually paid all his debts but was forced to temporarily move in with Gertrud’s family back in Hopkinsville. There Cayce’s father introduced him to Dr. Westley Ketchum who graduated from the Cleveland College of Homeopathic Medicine in 1904. Dr. Ketchum had taken up the practice of homeopathy in Hopkinsville and promoted Cayce’s work with the ill. Soon hundreds of people sought out his psychic medical services.

Cayce was not interested in money as he was only passionate about helping people. He set into a routine of two readings a day lasting 45 minutes each. In most cases presented to him, he never met the persons making the requests. They were received through the mail, as the recipients of the readings were usually hundreds of miles away. All Cayce needed was the full name of the person, their address, and where they would be at the appointed time of the reading. Lying on the couch with his necktie and shoelaces loosened, with hands crossed over his chest, he would go into a trance. His wife usually asked the questions, while his father wrote down everything Cayce revealed while in trance. (Later, his lifelong secretary, Gladys Davis, took over the dictation in shorthand.) After a while in trance, Cayce would start to mumble, as though searching for something. Then he would clear his throat and speak in a firm, authoritative voice. “Yes, we have the body,” he would begin, and then go into a discussion of the physical condition of the person who was ill. Most of the remedies he suggested were herbal treatments or dietary restrictions.
By 1911 things were looking more positive for the Cayce family and their second child was born, Milton Porter Cayce, on March 29th, 1911. Unfortunately, tragedy struck again as the child died 7 weeks after birth on May 7th, 1911. This tragic death of their infant child greatly affected Gertrude and her health severely declined. She was diagnosed with tuberculosis which had killed her brother. After doctors gave her only a week to live, she turned to her husband for a medical reading. Of course, Cayce agreed and after following his advice her health fully recovered. This event became a turning point in Cayce’s life, as after saving Gertrude’s life he grew more self-assured that his purpose was to help others with his unique psychic gift.
Unfortunately, his father and Dr. Ketchum began asking him questions while in trance about the commodities market and horse racing. When Cayce discovered this, he felt betrayed and subsequently separated his relationship from both his father and Dr. Ketchum.

1912–1923: Selma, Alabama Period
In 1912 the Cayce family moved to Selma, Alabama, and opened a photographic studio called the Cayce Art Studio. The Cayce’s soon welcomed another son, Edgar Evans Cayce, born February 9th, 1918.
Cayce started medical readings again in Selma and successfully treated shell-shocked veterans of WW1. Cayce had a wish of creating a hospital, and to finance this venture he was influenced into getting into the Texas oil business and using his psychic abilities to prospect oil wells. He began this in 1920 but after three years with no monetary return, he gave up the pursuit of getting money to build a hospital from the oil industry. Other hospital fundraising pursuits also failed, so he returned to Selma and reunited with his family. There he continued in the photography business and his trance readings. In 1919 he met and hired Gladys Davis who became his longtime stenographer. Gladys soon became one of the family.
1923–1925: Dayton, Ohio Period
In 1923 after meeting an affluent man in the printing business named Arthur Lammers, the Cayce family was uprooted again and moved to Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Lammers’ hobby was metaphysical philosophy, and what he wanted to know was far beyond the range of Cayce’s paradigm of belief and thinking. Cayce performed a reading for Mr. Lammers and was asked such questions as, “What is the meaning of life?” “What is the real nature of humankind? “What is the meaning of birth and death?” “Why are we here?” Cayce accepted Mr. Lammers offer to explain these mysteries through his trance abilities. What followed was the beginning of the metaphysical thought that emerged from 2,500 “Life” readings (information about a person’s past lives), as distinguished from the “Physical” readings (medical diagnosis and treatments) he had previously been giving.
However, for Cayce, this was the beginning of another period of tortuous self-doubt. Brought up in an atmosphere of strict, orthodox, Protestant Christianity, he was uninformed of concepts of other world religions and their similarities with Christianity. What the readings now revealed was reincarnation which was foreign to everything he had learned and been teaching in his Sunday school classes for many years. Cayce withheld judgment on the concept for a long time. He read and reread the Bible in a new light and eventually became convinced that there were passages that supported the idea of reincarnation. Thus, eventually, he and those close to his work came to accept the concept of reincarnation. Cayce gave readings of his family which revealed that they all had past lives together. This led Cayce to study Egyptian history and the religions of the ancient world.
Even though he was a professional psychic with a small staff of employees and volunteers there in Dayton the Cayce’s financially struggled. Money was extremely scarce, but help came from interested persons. In 1925 several readings indicated that he and his family should move to Virginia Beach and create an organization there but emphasized the importance of the “proper spirit of the people involved.” He was informed that the sand's crystals there would have curative properties to promote rapid healing.

1925–1945: Virginia Beach Period
Cayce was introduced to another affluent investor - Morton Blumenthal. Blumenthal worked in the stock exchange in New York with his trader brother and became very interested in Cayce’s abilities and his hospital vision. He offered to finance the hospital Cayce long dreamed of in Virginia Beach and even buy them a little home there. It was a dream come true. The Cayce’s and their two sons (Hugh Lynn and Edgar Jr.), together with Gladys, all moved to Virginia Beach. At that time Virginia Beach was not much more than a small fishing village. The construction of the hospital created much excitement and even drew more enterprise for the town. On May 6, 1927, in partnership with the Blumenthal’s, Cayce began a corporation – The Association of National Investigators. The Association’s focus was on science, education, health, and spiritual awakening. Cayce was secretary and treasurer, and Gladys was assistant secretary. To protect against legal prosecution, the rules required any person requesting a reading to become a member of the Association and agree that they were participating in an experiment in psychic research. Also, in 1927, with his mother’s passing, his widowed father came to live with them and all past family transgressions were forgiven. Early in 1928 Moseley Brown, head of the psychology department at Washington and Lee University, became convinced of the readings and joined the Association. This helped to authenticate Cayce’s work in academic circles.

In Virginia Beach, Cayce spent his past-time gardening and fishing. His family greatly enjoyed their time there. Unfortunately, the stock market crashed, and against the background of the Great Depression, the hospital financially failed 3 years after it opened. It was a great heartache for Cayce and his family. Cayce walked away from his hospital financially broke.
The Depression years saw Cayce turn his attention again to spiritual teachings. In 1931, Cayce's friends and family asked him how they could become psychic like him. Out of this seemingly simple question came an eleven-year discourse that led to the creation of "Study Groups'.' From his altered state, Cayce relayed to this group that the purpose of life is not to become psychic but to become a more spiritually aware and loving person. Study Group No. 1 was told that they could "bring light to a waiting world" and that these lessons would still be studied a hundred years into the future. The readings became more about dreams, coincidence (synchronicity), developing intuition, the akashic records, astrology, past-life relationships, soul mates, and other esoteric subjects.
Cayce legally returned the house his family was living in back to Blumenthal and purchased another one. On June 6, 1931, Cayce rallied and called a meeting of his closest friends and supporters to help carry on his work. They form a new nonprofit organization called the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). Thus, in July ARE was incorporated where readings would be given free for those who could not pay, and Cayce would receive an annual salary.
During a fundraising event in New York Cayce gave a reading to a woman who claimed to be in desperate need of help. It turned out she and her companions were policewomen and Cayce, Gertrude, and Gladys Davis were arrested for fortune-telling. Eventually, these charges in New York were dismissed. But later in 1935 in Detroit, Cayce was arrested again, this time for practicing medicine without a license.
These events greatly distraught Cayce and he began to question the value of his work. He then had a dream that he would reincarnate in Nebraska in the year 2100. He learned from his dream that people would still know of his good works and legacy. This dream came at just the right time and served as a source of encouragement for him to continue his psychic work. By the mid-1930’s Cayce had a growing and positive reputation as a profound psychic and healer.

On October 11, 1928, the dedication ceremonies for the hospital complex were held. It was the only hospital of its kind where physical ills became diagnosed and treated via psychic revelation. It contained a lecture hall, library, vault for storage of the readings, and offices for research workers. There was also a large living room, a 12-car garage, servant’s quarters, a tennis court, and sizable garden grounds.
In early 1929 many patients started coming to the hospital. Cayce asked his old friend from Kentucky, Dr. Thomas House, to be the medical director of the hospital. It featured the latest in osteopathic equipment and massage techniques, homeopathic remedies, and individualized dietary restrictions. Cayce’s readings began to suggest treatments with low-level electricity applied to the body. This was something akin to current-day electrotherapeutics. Cayce’s readings revealed many new designs of several electrical devices which were extensively used there at the hospital.
This facility enabled consistent checking and rechecking of the recommended remedies, which was Cayce's goal. There were consistent remedies for many of the illnesses regardless of the patient, and Cayce hoped to produce a compendium that could be used by the medical profession. A chemist, Sunker A. Bisley, Ph.D., who also used clairvoyant knowledge, helped Cayce produce the remedies. Recommended therapies included castor oil poultices, hot compresses, color healing, magnetism, vibrator treatment, massage, osteopathic manipulation, dental therapy, colonics, enemas, antiseptics, inhalants, homeopathics, essential oils, and mud baths. Substances used included oils, salts, herbs, iodine, witch hazel, magnesia, bismuth, alcohol, castor oil, lactated pepsin, turpentine, charcoal, animated ash, soda, cream of tartar, aconite, laudanum, camphor, and gold solution. Many of these were prescribed to overcome conditions that prevented proper digestion and assimilation of needed nutrients from the prescribed diet. The readings aimed to produce a healthy body by removing the underlying cause(s) of the specific ailment. Readings would indicate the degree of severity and prognosis of the patient's recovery.

Cayce’s own personal Life Readings included 17 different incarnations, as a high priest in Egypt, lives in Persia and in the fabled continent of Atlantis, which he mentioned over 700 times in his readings.
His work in the A.R.E. continued into the 1940s. Both Cayce’s sons entered the armed forces during WW11, and both married, Hugh Lynn in 1941 and Edgar Evans in 1942. On October 7, 1942, Charles Thomas was born from Hugh Lynn and his wife Sally. The readings indicate that he was the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson Cayce, Edgar's grandfather. On June 29th, 1943, Edgar Evans Jr. was born to Edgar Evans and his wife Kathryn.
The Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.)
The A.R.E. activities remained simple and unpublicized. Members raised a building fund for an office, library, and vault, which they erected in 1940 to 41 as a single unit added on to the Cayce residence. No sign guided visitors to the center. The Association membership averaged 500 to 600. The turnover from year to year was approximately half this total. The other half remained a solid basis for the research work, an audience for case studies, pamphlets, bulletins, and the Congress bulletin, which was a yearbook and record of congress events. A mailing list of several thousand served people who remained interested in Cayce's activities.
Members were drawn from Protestant churches as well as from the Roman, Greek, Syrian, and Armenian Catholic churches; from Theosophy, Christian Science and Spiritualism; and from many Oriental religions. The philosophy of the readings was that truth is one, each organization is part of this one, therefore the A.R.E. was not to function as a schism or in opposition to any religious organization. The goal of the work was not something new, but something ancient and universal.
In March 1943, the first edition of the only biography written during Cayce's lifetime, There is a River by Thomas Sugrue, was published. As a consequence of this and other news publications, public demand for Cayce’s readings increased. Cayce gained even more national prominence in 1943 after the publication of a high-profile article in the magazine Coronet titled "Miracle Man of Virginia Beach." Office staff had to be increased, and the mailman could no longer carry all the mail, so Gertrude got it from the post office by car. Without Hugh Lynn, Cayce had to personally read hundreds of letters daily and increased his readings to six per day.

Last Years and Death
Edgar Cayce did not pay much attention to the rules of diet he so stringently recommended to others, and he was also a chain-smoker. Throughout 1941 and 1942, readings repeatedly warned Cayce about his poor diet, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, and various lesions and other obstructions in his intestinal tract. The warnings came as no surprise to his wife Gertrude and his secretary Glady because of his high-fat diet, his smoking, and a lack of sleep.
With the ever-growing fame, his readings further increased to 8 per day. He simply couldn’t say no and turn people away. From June 1943 to June 1944, 1,385 readings were taken. He said this all took a toll on his health, that it was emotionally draining and often fatiguing. He even said that the readings themselves scolded him for taking on too much and that more than two readings a day would kill him. In August 1944, Cayce collapsed from overwork. He gave his last psychic reading, this time for himself, that advised rest until well or death will ensue. The Cayce’s went to the mountains of Virginia to recuperate, but Cayce soon suffered a stroke. On January 3rd, 1945, Edgar Cayce passed over to the other side at the age of 67. He was laid to rest back in Hopkinsville. That same year on April 1, Gertrude Evans Cayce also passed at the age of 65.
Cayce gave an estimated 22,000 readings during a period of 43 years (1901 to 1944), but until September 1923 they were not systematically preserved. Accordingly, only about 14,000 Cayce readings are currently available. When Gladys Davis became Cayce's secretary on September 10, 1923, only then were all readings preserved.
Someone once thought to ask the sleeping Cayce where he was getting his information. He gave two sources that his mind succeeded in tapping. One was the unconscious or subconscious mind of the subject himself; the other was what was called the universal memory of nature - something akin to Carl Jung’s Collective Unconscious, or the Akashic Records. Thus, Cayce eventually believed that it was his subconscious mind exploring the dream realm, where minds were timelessly connected. Perhaps the readings said it best, when asked how to become psychic, Cayce’s advice was to become more spiritual.
He left the world an amazing legacy of information. The A.R.E. has continued the work of classifying and cross-referencing the over 14,000 files of readings that had been taken throughout Cayce's lifetime from March 31, 1901, to September 17, 1944. No other modern-day psychic has gifted the world with such an extensive record.
Members of Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), the nonprofit founded by Cayce in 1931 with the purpose to help people transform their lives for the better through ideas and information found in his psychic readings, have access to the entire set of 14,306 readings in a database residing online in the members-only section. The readings can also be found in their entirety in A.R.E.’s physical library, located at their headquarters campus in Virginia Beach, which is open to the public daily. Members also receive the quarterly Venture Inward magazine, a quarterly newsletter, and have access to other material online.

In 1971 Edgar Cayce's sons Edgar Evans Cayce and Hugh Lynn Cayce published a book titled The Outer Limits of Edgar Cayce's Power, claiming Cayce's readings had an approximate 85% success rate.
Most Edgar Cayce’s readings deal with health maintenance and the treatment of illness. Even to this day, individuals have found physical help from information given over 100 years ago. Although best known for this material, the sleeping Cayce did not seem to be limited to concerns about the physical body. In fact, in their entirety, the readings discuss an astonishing number of 10,000 different subjects. Even this vast array of subject matter, however, can be narrowed down into a much smaller range of topics. When compiled together, the majority contain and deal with the following five categories:
(1) Health-Related Information.
(2) Philosophy and Reincarnation.
(3) Dreams and Dream Interpretation.
(4) ESP and Psychic Phenomena; and
(5) Spiritual Growth, Meditation, and Prayer.
Cayce was a significant pioneer in many disciplines that have gained widespread acceptance since his death:
The value of dreams as a tool for self-understanding and guidance. He saw dreams as a safe and reliable work to explore one’s own soul.
The importance of meditation as a spiritual discipline. He evolved an approach that was easy to apply to the Judeo-Christian world.
A perspective on reincarnation, karma, and grace that is potentially acceptable to the Judeo-Christian world. He presents reincarnation as an inescapable reality of how the universe operates. Karma can be softened by the influences of grace available to all souls.
An approach to astrology that recognizes past lives and the influence of the planets, especially regarding helping people find a sense of purpose in life. He used the influence of the planets as a way of describing innate temperament and its impact upon personality and aptitude.

Reflections in Cayce’s Readings
According to Cayce’s readings, we live in an orderly universe that is governed by universal laws. Humanity has a purposeful place in this universe, and there is a plan for us as souls: to bring the qualities of spiritual life into the material world consciously. That plan requires that we make proper use of two great gifts that God has given each of us: a creative mind and free will.
Cayce emphasized in his readings the importance of staying healthy with careful, consistent application of certain fundamental principles, among them the need for balance, and an awareness of the creative power of our attitudes and emotions in shaping the condition of our physical body. Healthy living also means having positive, supportive, and loving relationships with other people. He also pointed out that we need to understand that the various systems of the physical body – the nervous system, the circulatory system, the endocrine system, and the internal organs – are interconnected profoundly. A disorder in one system can cause problems in another; achieving balance and harmony in one system can benefit the others. We also must remember that each of us is made up of a body, a mind, and a spirit that are interconnected. For healing to be total and lasting, we need to work on integrating all three aspects of ourselves.
In his readings, Cayce pointed out that a succession of lifetimes makes it possible for the soul to move towards oneness with God while taking responsibility for its choices. Karma is more than debts to be paid; it is a matter of soul memory, even memory stored in the unconscious mind. We tend to repeat old patterns until our free will consciously decides to create new patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting. It is not important to remember details of past lives but to focus on the challenges and opportunities in our current lifetime, employing reincarnation as a tool for understanding how and why everything happens for a reason. In addition, for each lifetime the soul comes into the material world it has a mission that includes work to help transform itself for the better as well as work that transforms the world for the better. Finding and using the soul’s talents through self-study is the key.
Cayce’s approach to the soul and spirit demands that we take responsibility for our own lives. Often, the circumstances in which we find ourselves are of our own making, sometimes stretching to previous lives. Like Theosophy, Cayce’s premise was that there are two sides to us: The personality (familiar identity) and the individuality (the authentic self). Healthy living requires that we learn to forge a deeper connection to our individuality, and the process begins by paying attention to our purposes, intentions, and ideals. Two disciplines support this work: meditation (listening to the divine within) and self-analysis through dream interpretations. Soul development involves maturing into a certain way of being in life: present, patient, helpful, loving. It is learning how to put aside one’s personality and willfulness and instead awaken to one’s individuality and willingness to serve God.

The Essence of the Cayce Philosophy
1) Everything is connected – all is one: Once we perceive this unity it is our challenge to apply this understanding as practical mystics.
2) Life is purposeful: Each of us is born with a personal mission, a “soul-purpose.” There is an aspect of service to soul-purpose.
3) Approach life as an adventure: Life is meant to be a playful search for the truth; it is research in the broadest sense of the word.
4) Be noncompetitive: show compassion: Nothing takes us away quicker from the sense of oneness, and therefore from our soul-purpose than the drive for competitiveness. Compassion is the capacity to be present for another person and experience how we are all really the same. It is a matter of feeling with another person, not taking responsibility for that person but being responsible and responsive to that person.
5) Take responsibility for yourself: Help is available but no one else can fix things for us. Ultimately each soul is accountable for itself. The principle of self-responsibility is a cornerstone of Cayce’s recommendations.
6) Look ahead rather than back: The present and the future cannot be understood outside the context of the past but in essence, he was saying to always look ahead and never back and understand that you are going to come back again. We should make choices that will help create the best possible results in the next lifetime.
7) Changing anything starts with an ideal: Motives, purposes, and ideals are the center of Cayce’s psychology. If we want to change anything in life we must start at the motivational level.
8) All time is one time: Sometimes we get hints about the deeper mysteries of time (e.g., a precognitive dream). If we pay close attention to our inner lives, we might find clues that time is more complex than we think.
9) Success cannot be measured by material standards: Measuring success, especially in terms of one’s soul, is elusive because we cannot use the same standards for measuring internal and external life.
10) Courage is essential to any spiritual growth: High aspirations and ideals are not enough; we must do something with them.
11) Evil is real and comes in many forms:
a) A lack of awareness – a deficit in conscious awareness
b) Extremism – we need to watch for our own tendency to go to extremes
c) Aggression and invasion – all human relations have the potential for these forms of evil
d) Transformation – stay engaged with anything ungodly and keep working to transform it
e) Rebellion and willfulness – we choose every day how to respond to evil; the focus is on our behavior – are we going against the impulse to bring the spirit into the material world.
12) Learn to stand up for yourself; learn to say no when it is needed: It is like self-assertion and setting boundaries.
Selected Bibliography
Association for Research and Enlightenment website. https://www.edgarcayce.org/
Bro, Harmon Hartzell. Edgar Cayce: A Seer Out of Season. St. Martin's Paperbacks, 1996. One of the best biographies.
Cerminara, Gina. Many Mansions: The Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation. New York: Signet Books, 1950, 1990.
Horowitz, Mitch. Mind as the Builder: The Positive-Mind Metaphysics of Edgar Cayce. Virginia Beach, Virginia: A.R.E. Press, 2017.
Horowitz, Mitch- "Mind as the Builder", presentation at A.R.E.
Johnson, K. Paul. Edgar Cayce in Context: The Readings: Truth and Fiction. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1998. Suny Series in Western Esoteric Traditions.
Kirkpatrick, Sidney D. An American Prophet, New York: Riverhead Books, 2000.
Kittler, Glenn D. Edgar Cayce on the Dead Sea Scrolls, New York: Warner Books, 1970.
Puryear, Herbert B. The Edgar Cayce Primer: Discovering The Path to Self-Transformation, New York: Bantam Books, 1982.
Stearn, Jess. The Sleeping Prophet, New York: Bantam Books, 1967. This was a bestselling book.
Sugrue, Thomas. There Is a River, Virginia Beach, Virginia: A.R.E. Press, 2003.
Todeschi, Kevin. Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records. Virginia Beach, Virginia: A.R.E. Press, 1998.
Todeschi, Kevin and Henry Reed. Contemporary Cayce: A Complete Exploration Using Today’s Science and Philosophy. Virginia Beach, Virginia: A.R.E. Press, 2014.