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Dr. Vizkelety

Your Mouth Matters! A Swiss Dentist Shares What You Need To Know! | Dr. Joseph Vizkelety

The Science of Self-Healing Hosted by Dr. Sharon Stills With Special Guest
Dr. Joseph Vizkelety

About Dr. Joseph Vizkelety

Josef Vizkelety was born in Budapest, Hungary, and is 2nd generation lineage of
internationally recognized dentists and physicians. 


Professional Training

  • 2002 – 2008:  Medical Degree at Albert-Szent Györgyi University Szeged (Hungary), graduation with „ cum laude “, (MD)

  • 2010 – 2013:  Dental Degree at University of Freiburg i. Breisgau (Germany), graduation with “summa cum laude”, (DDS)

  • 2015 – 2018: Master of Oral Surgery and Implantology, graduation with “excellence”, MSc.


Professional Career

  • 2008 - 2010: Foundation Year 1 (FY 1) and Foundation Year 2 (FY 2) training in the field of acute and intensive care medicine, neurosciences (neurosurgery) at King’s College Hospital and affiliated Hospitals (London, UK) with focus of care on the management of the acutely ill patient in the field of jaw neck & head area

  • 2010 – 2015: Head Physician and consultant at German and Austrian Police Department (special treatment center for general medicine and psycho-emotional evaluation) 

  • 2013-2017: Dental Training, specialty in biological dentistry at different Dental Centers & Clinics in Austria, Germany and Switzerland

  • Head Physician and Dentist at Swiss Alpstein Clinic in Gais; Switzerland



  • 2008: Graduation MD., “Dr. med.”  in “Maxillofacial Surgery”

  • Successful completion of FY 1 & FY2 (2010)


  • 2013: Graduation DDS., “Dr. med.dent”  in “Maxillofacial Radiology”

  • 2018: Graduation MSc., “MSc.”  in “Oral Surgery and Implantology /PRGF Therapy”

  • Additional designations:

    • Biological metal free whole-body dentistry (2016)

    • Physiological Rehabilitation of Bite & Function (2016)

    • Cell Regeneration & Rejuvenation (2017)

    • Oral Surgery & Implantology (2018)

  • considerable publications in journals and as co-authors for German and English textbooks

  • speaker on international congresses, international seminar activities on different continents


Particular Focuses and Interests 

  • Promotion and teaching of evidence based biological dentistry for all personnel working in this field and its integration into our society

  • quality management in biological dentistry, physiological bite rehabilitation & ceramic implantology 

  • interdisciplinary whole-body expertise: connecting medicine and dentistry


Currently Dr. Vizkelety is head physician and Dentist at the Alpstein Clinic in Gais, Switzerland. He specializes in:


  • Biological metal free whole-body dentistry

  • Physiological Rehabilitation of Bite & Function 

  • Cell Regeneration & Rejuvenation 

  • Oral Surgery & Implantology 

Dr. Vizkelety shares his skills and knowledge through considerable publications in journals and as co-authors for German and English textbooks. He is an international speaker who promotes and teaches evidence based biological dentistry for all personnel working in this field and its integration into our society​through an interdisciplinary whole-body expertise: connecting medicine and dentistry​.

Alpstein Clinic Logo Yellow mountains
My Message
Treating chronic conditions without addressing the mouth may be missing the root cause.
Dr. Joseph Vizkelety

Episode Highlights with Dr. Vizkelety

  • The oral cavity is directly related to the digestive system, which impacts the central nervous system as well

  • There is a strong correlation between foreign substances being introduced into the mouth and the body facing medical challenges.

  • Proper oral hygiene is very important to keep pathogens from becoming infectious

  • Taking fillings into account affects overall health – are the fillings a mercury amalgam

    • Or is it a composite that is full of BPA’s or other harmful substances?

    • Posture also affects dental and jaw health, as well as the rest of the body.

    • Toxins such as BPA’s can be included in white composite fillings, and this is important to note.

  • The body has to learn how to manage the millions of bacteria and flora it has in the mouth, and proper hygiene is integral in managing healthy bacterial flora.

    • Brush 1-3 times per day.

    • Manual vs. Electric toothbrush is not as important as having a soft brush.

    • A soft brush allows the gums to be stimulated in ways that hard bristles do not allow.

    • Fluoride is not indicated, especially when the rest of the oral health and body is being taken care of regularly.

      • Remember that cavities are not a result of fluoride deficiency

    • Nerve tissue, muscles and ligaments play a crucial role in the overall health and movement of the head, jaw, and neck. Oftentimes people with back problems have jaw pain and tension.

    • Emotional elements also affect jaw and neck tension and pain.

      • Cranio-sacral therapy is an excellent adjunct for these issues.

    • In normal physiological conditions, if a body part has lost its blood flow, there is risk of creating an environment that can spread infection to the rest of the body. If someone has a gangrenous toe, no doctor would consider keeping the dead tissue attached to the rest of the body. However, a root canal does this very thing.

      • There are three limitations with root canals:

        • If a person needs a root canal, an alternative is to have the tooth pulled. There is always the option of having the tooth replaced.

        • If a person has an existing root canal, there are often signs of infection or meridian interference.

        • These cases are a case-by-case situation, and should be evaluated by a biological dentist.

      • The tooth-meridian relationship is deep. There are cases of patients having certain troublesome teeth treated, and coming back with improved shoulder range of motion, and increased overall energy levels.

      • The wisdom teeth meridians are linked to digestion and liver function.

    • Treating chronic conditions without addressing the mouth may be missing the root cause.

    • If teeth are missing, and there is phantom pain, try to work with neural therapy, or acupuncture.

    • There may be a cavitation. If you are wondering if you have a cavitation, speak with your biological dentist.

      • If a cavitation is present, blood flow is necessary for healing. Minor surgery can achieve this.

        • Anatomical limitations

        • Mechanical limitations

        • Immunological limitations

    • Root canals create an environment where pathogens can thrive, as can inflammation.

Links & Resources Mentioned

Alpstein Clinic

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