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Beyond Ammonia: What You Need to Know about Neurotoxicity

by Aric Cox, DC

Neurotoxins are a clear and present threat to healing from Lyme disease.  But this threat does not stop at Lyme.  Neurotoxic load is also an issue with chronic pain syndromes, Fibromyalgia, dysautonomia, gastrointestinal imbalances (e.g. SIBO, IBS), neurodegenerative conditions, and chronic fatigue.

Ammonia is likely one of the better-known neurotoxins, especially in the case of Lyme Disease.  There is yet to be any peer-reviewed, published evidence indicating that the key bacteria involved with Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdoferi) actually excretes a toxin, or possesses toxins, in its cell wall.1,2 However, there is ample research on the action of urease and how bacteria can produce ammonia in our body as a result of its action.3,4 Clinically and anecdotally, practitioners and patients can attest to its presence as well as the associated problems with excess ammonia.  Read more...

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