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We are warmly inviting you to join our BRMI tribe to attend the Bioregulatory Medicine Institute's annual workshop/conference, Clinical Skills for Challenging Times, October 14-16th, 2022 in beautiful Scottsdale, AZ. This will be three full days with 3 workshops, 13 presenters, and amazing vendors.

If you are a looking for new approaches to find the root causes of dis-ease, while making personal connections to some of the brightest minds of today, this conference is for you! We also plan on having lots of fun too!

The conference kicks off with a free reception on Thursday evening, October 13th with hors d'oeuvres, music, and dancing!

BRMI is providing lunch on Friday and Saturday. For a change of pace, there is a long lunch break on Sunday to try out the neighboring restaurants. The hotel includes breakfast and happy hour drinks.

Here is a link to the website page. On the website, there is a link to register.

The travel to Scottsdale is affordable from almost everywhere (make your plans early), and the rooms are spacious and inexpensive! (Check out our group rate!)

Take a look at the list of amazing speakers!


Dr. Gerry Curatola, DDS

Sargent Goodchild Jr.

Ian Kennedy

Kelly Kennedy, LMT

Moira Lo Bianco

Dr. Robert Milisen, NMD

Dr. James Odell, OMD, ND, L.Ac.

Dr. Ralf Oettmeier, MD (via Zoom)

Dr. Christine Schaffner, NMD

Dr. Marlene Siegel, DVM

Dr. Sharon Stills, NMD

Dr. Dickson Thom, ND, DDS

Dr. Nasha Winters, NMD

Come join our tribe!


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