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Podcast # 24 - A Prescription to Alleviate Your Fears and Anxieties | Dr. Tia Trivisonno


The Science of Self-Healing Hosted by Dr. Sharon Stills With Special Guest
Dr. Tia Trivisonno

About Dr. Tia Trivisonno

Dr. Tia Trivisonno is a naturopathic physician and licensed acupuncturist with a master of sciences in Oriental medicine and extensive training in biological medicine.  Her practice employs a unique team-based approach to managing patient care for those individuals who repeatedly fail standard treatments for complicated psychiatric illness and chronic disease.

Dr. Trivisonno is deeply committed to advancing access to naturopathic medicine and promoting a paradigm shift for a more cooperative system of care.  She is the President of the New York Association of Naturopathic Physicians (NYANP).  She lectures internationally on her clinic’s innovative approach to mental health and chronic disease and has co-authored journal publications.  She has appeared numerous times as a featured expert on NEWS 12 Long Island Naturally.  

Dr. Trivisonno is certified in allergy desensitization with Dr. Nambudripad’s allergy elimination technique (NAET), classical homeopathy with the New England school of homeopathy (NESH), and the bioresonance analysis of health (BAH) with Dr. Thomas K. Szulc MD.  Her hobbies include surfing, travel and playing music.  She believes that working to improve the health of each individual will contribute to a healthier planet.


Transformation Healing Solutions.PNG
Rejuvination Health.PNG
My Message...
Practicing extreme self-care is not an act of selfishness, it is an act of consciousness. 
Dr. Tia Trivisonno

Foundation for Health Creation 

Episode Highlights with Dr. Tia Trivisonno

Fear and anxiety-

  • Anxiety 

  • The terror barrier - how to break through

  • Our fear is often worse than the experience

    • The importance to face your fears​

  • The Importance of Looking at the Whole Person

  • Learning the language and diagnostics that patients are faced with to allow an understanding of what patients are faced with

    • Putting the pieces together through Naturopathic Medicine

    • A new paradigm to empower people in a new way

      • the best of both worlds ​

  • Psychiatry in Natural Medicine​​

  • Understanding medicine yet looking at the root cause of mental and physical medicine

    • What is the etiology?
    • What is the emotional state and cause?
    • How to help that individual to get back to balance and reduce medications based on our feelings?
    • Medications stop growth
      • Book- "Saving Normal" - do we all fit the criteria for mental illness?​
      • Weaning off medication requires a physicians guidance 
        • Can be done too quickly and needs to be done gradually
        • Root causes lead to imbalances

  • COVID​ - What are the long term effects

  • Increased prominence in overall population 

    • Increased anxiety, fear, confusion​

      • An epidemic of irrational fears​

      • Self care is becoming more important

        • Silence and stillness​

        • Fight and flight is not healthy 

  • Tips for Care

  • Focus on the free and easy

    • Focus on yourself every day​

      • Epsom salt soaks​

      • Relaxation

      • Music - relaxing hertz therapies

      • Talking with friends

      • Solution oriented thinking

      • Challenge yourself

      • Pivot as needed

      • Maintain positive thought - prevent the spinning mentality

        • What are your resources?​

      • Meditate and give gratitude​

        • break things down into small pieces​

        • observe from a different perspective

      • Use castor oil packs​ - gentle detoxification while supporting the emunctories

        • From Edgar Cayce - see show notes


  • What is the difference between conventional care and the care you provide?

    • Time - Approximately a 90 minute initial interview


        Treating a diagnosis versus treating a symptom

        Getting to know the etiology and establish a relationship
      • Looking also at labs, pathogens, chronic illness and treating the whole person

      • Trauma stays until the water in the body allows it to leave

      • Looking for pathogens, gut imbalance, Lyme disease, etc.​​​

      • How to wean off medications

      • Eliminating obstacles to cure

        • Supplementation​

        • Terrain

        • Restful sleep

        • Arriving at a treatment protocol

        • Education and empowerment

      • Pharmaceuticals can ​be prescribed if indicated

        • Patients will reman on​ medications if working and it is their preference

          • Will work to wean as able and indicated ​

          • Not all feelings require a medication

            • Our diseases are not a medication deficiency​

            • Feeling emotions is essential and we can supress these to our detriment

            • Pain is part of the human experience - it is meant to move

            • Our emotions are similar. We cannot feel joy without pain, etc

              • Think of it as the weather - it will change​

              • Pain is meant to move​


Ketamine Assisted Therapy

  • Trigger, routine, reward

    • This pattern can be destructive​

    • Our habits create neuronal pathways

    • Ketamine assisted therapy can break these patterns

    • Breaking through abnormal thinking patterns

 Self-care is not an act of selfishness, it is an act of consciousness

  • Practice extreme self-care

Links & Resources Mentioned

Transformation Healing Solutions.PNG
Edgar Cayce castor oil.PNG

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