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"This BX virus can be readily changed into different forms of its life cycle by the media upon which it is grown." - Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, Jr.

          “The Upholder of the Cycles which supports the whole of Life, is water. In every drop of water dwells the Godhead, whom we all serve; there also dwells Life, the Soul of the First substance – Water – whose boundaries and banks are the capillaries that guide it and in which it circulates. More energy is encapsulated in every drop of good spring water than an average-sized Power Station is presently able to produce.”


-Viktor Schauberger

Signature Viktor

Comprehend & Copy Nature!

Viktor Schauberger was born June 30th, 1885 in the village of Holzschlag, Austria. Holzschlag is located on Austria's border with the Czech Republic. He was the fifth of nine children in the family. His father was a master forester, as was his grandfather, great-grandfather, and even his father be­­fore that. His uncle had been the last imperial hunt master in Bad Ischl during the days of Emperor Franz Josef. Viktor grew up as a ‘son of the forest’. As a child, he and his father spent days in the forest where he developed a keen observation and love of nature. He especially studied the flow and behavior of water, particularly streams and springs. It is said he could sit and daydream for hours next to a brook, without ever getting bored.


Young Viktor also observed common shapes and movements of nature. He came to understand that Nature manifested as multiple centripetal movements. For Viktor, the beds of creeks and rivers, the gills and fins on fishes, the wings of the birds, and similar things, all give creation to this pattern of movement.

During his long hours observing nature, he intuited what we now recognize as the quantum, or subtle energy effects, of water. Schauberger perceived water as a pulsating, living substance that energizes all of life. He called it ‘the life-blood of the Earth.’


"Life-blood of the Earth"

When water is pure and vital it has a complex structure that enables it to communicate information, carry vital energy, nutrients, and healing forces, as well as to self-cleanse and discharge its wastes. Schauberger believed that one of the causes of the disintegration of our culture is our destruction and pollution of water and the forest. Schauberger profoundly believed that our dangerous technologies with pipes and pumps produce dead or life-less water that has lost its bioenergy and its ability to pulsate. This dead water produces inadequate nutrition, and its regressive energies are responsible for degenerative diseases like cancer. His views of water carrying information directly contradicted the long-held materialistic view of water being lifeless, or a simple chemical matter of H2O. Instead, he described categories of water explaining that water is alive with a unique ‘life force’.


Schauberger’s profound understanding of water movement and functional shapes of Nature developed from his long observation of the untamed Alpine wilderness. His motto became: "Comprehend and Copy Nature". He truly had a gift of perceiving Nature’s patterns and understanding how Nature operates. Aside from the living properties of water, another of his important insights was the need for our culture to be in balance with Nature. As a result of this, as early as the 1920s and more than anyone else in his time, he foresaw the environmental pollution crises and species extension in which we are now engulfed.

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Centripetal Force of Vortex in Water

Schauberger recognized that Nature’s evolutionary purpose is to facilitate the emergence of higher life forms - the continual refinement of energies to promote greater complexity of higher life forms and their relationships. He showed that highly ordered systems lose their stability when their environment suffers deterioration. He predicted that a decrease in biodiversity in Nature would bring an increase in violence and a degeneration of spiritual qualities in the human community.

Schauberger perceived the vortex as a window between different qualities or levels of energy. The vortex and spiral became geometric hallmarks, as for him they were the key to all creative movement. He saw the spiraling shape in the growth of vines, ferns, snail shells, whirlpools, and countless other formations. The hyperbolic spiral was everywhere as if acting out some underlying universal motion. In rivers, the spiral was seen in the horizontal tightening twists of the layered current. He became certain that the contracting vortex created very real bioenergy in the water as it flowed.  Thus, Schauberger observed vortex in streams and saw this movement as a way water would purify and energize itself. This movement would introduce vital bioenergy to wipe clean any devitalized memory of the water. Thus, he observed that Nature uses the centripetal, vortical form of motion, moving from the outside to the inside with increasing velocity, which acts to cool, condense, structure, and assist the emergence of a higher vibratory quality. That water stores memory is a foundational principle in Homeopathy.

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Schauberger's deep understanding of Nature’s centripetal, vortical motion may be one of his most important discoveries. Schauberger believed our current technology uses the wrong form of motion - centrifugal. Our mechanical, technological systems designed with centrifugal motion create heat and friction, with the fastest movement at the periphery (as in a wheel). Viktor saw this form of motion to be destructive and essentially breaks down natural structures. He believed that Nature only uses centrifugal movement to decompose and dissolve matter. Through its dependence on this decomposing mode of motion (centrifugal) our technology creates enormous energy pollution and entropy. This dangerously affects the vital biodiversity and balance of our ecosystems.

Thus, during the first half of the 20th century, he warned insistently against the consequences of unrestricted exploitation of the environment. As an alternative, he propagated a radical rethinking of our attitudes towards nature, and the development of completely new methods of energy production that are in harmony with nature. He formulated his so-called "C & C" Principle: to Comprehend and Copy Nature!

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Viktor Schauberger could be called the ‘father of implosion technology’. The implosion principle is, of course, diametrically opposite to what today's explosion-oriented technology utilizes. Implosion has to do with a self-sustaining vortex flow of any liquid or gaseous medium, which has a concentrating, ordering effect and which decreases the temperature of the medium, in opposition to the dictates of "modern" thermodynamics.


This biography will chronologically describe his life, inventions, and many of his insights he derived from observing Nature. Many of his ideas of thermodynamics have now become vindicated in the light of quantum physics. Particularly, the scientific observation that water can store vital bioenergy and vibratory frequencies.

"Father of Implosion Technology"

When Viktor reached university age, his father wanted him to train as an arboriculturist in Vienna, just like his brothers, however Viktor refused. He believed that the best teacher was the forest itself. Teachers, he thought, would distort his unbiased vision of nature, as he perceived this happened with his brothers. Instead, he attended the secondary school of forestry, attained state certification as a forest warden, and then apprenticed under an older warden.


In 1914 at the age of 29, soon after the birth of his son Walter (July 26th in Steyrling, Austria,) Schauberger was summoned for military service in the Kaiser's army. (First World War 1914-1918). World War I cruelly shattered this dream. The young man fought for four long and surreal years as a gunner, at four different battlefronts. His sharp intuition saved his life several times. Nevertheless, a twist of fate dealt him a serious leg wound, just before the end of the war. He limped back home, where his wife Maria and son Walter were waiting for him.

Early Years and World War I

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In 1920 after World War I, Viktor became head forest warden ('forest meister') in Brunnenthall-Steyerling, at the beautiful and vast estate of a German prince, Adolf von Schaumburg-Lippe. Schauberger was given 20,000 hectares of almost untouched forest belonging to the Prince to care for. The Prince had pressing financial worries and wanted to turn the timber in Schauberger’s forest into cash as quickly as possible. Yet the high cost of transport from the remote forest would have consumed most of the profits. Experts put forward different solutions, yet none of them were practicable. Finally, they turned to Schauberger, who proclaimed himself capable of reducing transport costs from 12 to 1 Austrian Schilling per cubic meter.  During these years Schauberger studied the flow of water in streams and theorized that water ‘recharges’ itself with a natural magnetism through its meandering. This magnetic power contracts the water molecules, causing them to densify and have greater ‘carrying power’, and this process can be used to transport logs out of the forest.

        ...quite naturally, the water has shown us itself the way it wants to go, for its needs to be optimally ful­filled, and we should follow its wishes. For it is not technology’s task to correct nature, but to copy it.

Thus, in 1922 using this vision Viktor designed a device called a ‘log flume’. This design incorporated long winding floating canals that were capable to float huge timber logs using just a small amount of water. Along these canals, he installed water exchange stations. In these stations fresh cool water was refilled and the old "worn" water was tapped. His log flume invention allowed reduced transportation costs for lumber to one-tenth of the original sum. In a totally unique way, he succeeded to float heavy logs, thicker than 2 feet, on a thin layer of ‘imploded’ water, of barely one foot. His unique designs of the log flume greatly reduced the cost of bringing trees out of inaccessible mountains, with no damage to the timber.


The solution, Schauberger knew, was to get the water moving in the right way at the right temperature. The log flume he constructed had a cross-section like the blunt end of an egg. It followed the twists and turns of the mountain valleys “because, quite naturally, the water has shown us itself the way it wants to go, for its needs to be optimally ful­filled, and we should follow its wishes. For it is not technology’s task to correct nature, but to copy it.”

-Viktor Schauberger

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During the financial crisis of 1924, Austria desperately needed money. The Prime Minister wanting to sell lumber offered Schauberger a position as ‘transportation flume advisor’, at the Ministry of Forestry. Viktor bargained a deal and was paid a handsome advisor’s salary in gold.  From 1924 to 1928 Schauberger continued his work as a consultant for timber flotation and arranged a financial agreement with Vienna’s largest construction company where he sold his log flumes at commercial prices. Schauberger built a total of 14 log flumes, not just in Austria, but also in Bulgaria, Bosnia, and Czechoslovakia. For a short while, Viktor became a wealthy man, but European inflation immediately rendered his fortune worthless.

At the same time as he was flume-building, he gave speeches and wrote articles about the result of clearing a forest area totally that would cause a loss of healthy water downstream and, eventually, drought.

“Every economic death of a people is always preceded by the death of its forests. Reckless deforestation results in the drying out of mountain sources, dying of whole forests, uncontrollable mountain streams, silting of water and the sinking of subterranean water stores near where human interference took place”, he warned.

Hydrologists scorned Schauberger’s non-academic warnings. He had learned that river water is made up of layers of different densities and the lamination has a purpose in generating a charge in healthy water. Water is not merely a chemical compound, he insisted; it should not be recklessly chopped up in hydro-electric turbines, much less injected with chlorine or unnecessarily exposed to heating.

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In 1929 he continued his research in water-flow and other natural phenomena and began patenting inventions based on water engineering. He patented a system of braking barriers to be inserted along a troublesome watercourse. The barriers would redirect the axis of flow toward the middle of a stream, reducing the amount of soil carried away from the banks. Another complex patent Schauberger offered was to both control the action of outlet water from holding dams and to strengthen the dams by including factors of temperature and motion.


Schauberger built a water turbine to produce hydroelectricity and created patents for water engineering and turbines. This was a highly creative time in his life, and for the next few years, he wrote numerous papers. One renowned hydrologist eventually took interest in his work. This was Professor Philipp Forchheimer, a world-famous hydrologist, who had been asked by the Austrian Government to report on Schauberger's unique log flumes. Forchheimer was so impressed with Viktor’s discoveries that he asked him to write a paper which was published in 1930 in Die Wasserwirtschaft, the Austrian Journal of Hydrology. This paper attracted the attention of the President of the Austrian Academy of Science, Professor Wilhelm Exner, and resulted in a commission to write a more detailed study of his theories for that same magazine under the title Temperature and the Movement of Water.

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At this time Schauberger developed a basic thesis that expounded a universal, twofold movement principle. He observed that if the driving force of movement were centrifugal, or spiraling outwards, it would tend towards being destructive. If the spin were concentrated inwardly, centripetal, the force would favor nourishment and growth. According to his work, centrifugence (explosion) led to friction, which leads to heat, which he associated with the intensification of gravity. Centripetence (implosion), the opposing force, would lead to cooling and a lack of friction, even levitation. These thoughts did not get any sympathy in his time and it was decades before thermodynamic designs began to incorporate his ideas.


Schauberger believed that an invisible field structure permeated everything and was necessary for life, but he observed that technologies could propel the unknown field structure into either motion harmful to bio-systems or helpful to bio-systems. In other words, he held technical planners responsible for the life or death of biological systems.

From 1930 to 1932 he continued experiments producing electrical energy directly from water and developed a prototype of the 'trout turbine' based on his observations of a trout's behavior in a fast-flowing stream. During his early years in the forest, he became fascinated with the sight of large trout and salmon lying nearly motionless in a stream while facing into a swift current. When he moved and startled the fish, they darted upstream headlong into the rushing current. He wondered why they did not move in the direction of the water current and escape downstream. Was there some invisible channel of energy running opposite to the current?

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Was there some invisible channel of energy running opposite to the current?

According to Schauberger, conventional hydroelectric power plants use ‘explosive’ destructive motion which drops pressure water and chop it through turbines. The result is ‘dead’ water. His suction turbine invention, on the other hand, invigorated water and created clean healthy water. From this, he developed water purification techniques that converted ‘polluted and degraded’ water into pure, vital water.


Today’s technology is solely based on centrifugence movement (explosion). This is the process that has been adopted to use the energy stored in our planet’s natural resources to heat our homes, drive our cars and to produce our electricity. The explosion process, however useful it may seem, is extremely wasteful and inefficient. Most of the chemical energy stored in fuel is lost in the conversion process into mechanical or electrical energy.

Viktor tried to artificially generate the centripetal (implosion) movement in various types of machines. Among other devices, he designed several prototypes of home electrical generators. These devices had conical, twisted tubes that were wrapped around a conical-shaped body as a main component. When these tubes are forced to rotate, water is sucked into the tubes in the biggest end and after being processed in the tube it is sprayed out in a tremendous force on turbine vanes, mechanically connected to a generator.

Another design was a centripetal movement or ‘implosion’ machine that sucked in air that was twisted so efficiently that the diamagnetic field was able to lift the device with a tremendous force. However, the information on the function and efficiency of these devices is uncertain.

Prevailing technology uses the wrong forms of motion. It is based on entropy—on motions which nature uses to break down and scatter materials. Nature uses a different type of motion for creating order and new growth. 

In 1933 he published “Unsere Sinnlose Arbeit” (“Our Senseless Toil”) in Vienna. This book brought forth many of Schauberger’s ideas of Nature and motion mechanics.

In 1935 he applied for two patents: “air turbine” and “procedure for lifting liquids and gases”.

-Viktor Schauberger

World War II

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In 1937 Schauberger designed the “warmth-cold machine”, constructed for Siemens-Schuckart. This device melted down in an unauthorized test run and was non-functional. This was probably serendipitous karma, because at that time Siemens-Schuckert exploited the forced labor of women in extermination camps. (Of course, before we judge only German companies, many American companies were also complicit with the Nazis – Standard Oil owned in part by the Rockefeller family, Ford Motor co. subsidiary Ford-Werke, Coca-Cola, Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Chase Manhattan Bank, Dow Chemical, Brown Brothers Harriman, Woolworth, Alcoa, International Business Machines or IBM… the list is long).

In 1938 Schauberger instructed his son Walter to repeat the Water Capillary Research (Lord Kelvin’s Falling Water Experiment) and achieved a voltage of up to 20,000 volts.

As an Austrian, naturalist and free-thinker, Schauberger despised the Nazis and their occupation of his motherland Austria. In 1940, during the beginning of World War II, he was forced by the Nazis to continue his research into vortex technology. They threatened to hang the fifty-eight-year-old Schauberger and to harm his family if he did not cooperate. Thus, he was forced to attempt to build a flying craft that levitated without burning any fuel using his implosion technology. Schauberger had previously produced electrical power from a unique suction turbine by the same implosion principles, using air or water in creating the force. The Nazi SS wanted these inventions to be developed quickly. But Viktor took his time; understandably he did not want to give Hitler a technological advantage.

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Schauberger, assisted by several other engineers, developed a type of ‘flying saucer’ (the Repulsin A and B). The Repulsin A was first built in Berlin.  The construction and perfection of the Repulsin A model was 2.4 meters in diameter with a small high-speed electric motor. This device was built with copper and used very high-speed ‘discoid motor’ for the main vortex turbine.


The Repulsin Type "A" device was an Electro-Aero-Dynamic device (E.A.D.) and utilized two effects:

1.) The Coanda Effect: the tendency of a fluid jet to stay attached to a convex surface; this was a pure aerodynamic effect that was based on Bernoulli's principle.

2.) The Electro-Dynamic effect: The high-speed vortex in the "vortex chamber" produces an electric, charged separation effect, called "the diamagnetic effect " by Schauberger.

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These two effects, combined, created the so-called "implosion effect".  There is no doubt Schauberger knew how to build an implosion device which levitated. His problem was how to brake it. Upon initial start-up the Repulsin A was set in motion violently and rose vertically, quickly hitting the ceiling of the laboratory, shattering to pieces. The Nazi SS were not pleased and even threatened Schauberger’s life, suspecting deliberate sabotage. Replacement models were built, but by 1943 a more improved design, the Repulsin B model was constructed with the Nazi SS objective of developing this motor for a bio-submarine which Schauberger named the “Forelle” (Trout) due to its configuration of a fish with a gaping mouth.

The Repulsin models operated in the following way: When the main electric engine is started, the Coanda effect begins to create a differential aerodynamic pressure between the outer and inner surface of the primary hull. At a higher speed, the vortex chamber becomes a type of high electrostatic generator due to the air particles, in high-speed motion, acting as an electrical charge transporter. The radial air pressure required for lifting 1 kg with the Coanda effect is roughly 1.4 kg/cm2.

In the Repulsin B the vortex turbine was improved for increasing the implosion effect and thus the lifting force. In the Repulsin B the upper membrane was fixed and the lower rotates at high speed. On the edge rim there were special shaped blades of boomerang configuration. There were 120 blades that were 3 degrees spaced around the rim. The enhanced vortex turbine significantly increased the implosion effect in the vortex chamber. This contributed to it being able to generate a stronger thrust than the centrifugal turbine used in the Repulsin A. By means of suction screw-impeller (which revolved from the outside towards the inside along a cycloid, spiral space curve) the same type of force is generated which creates twisters, cyclones, and typhoons through the effect of either suction or implosion. Work on the Repulsin B continued through 1944 at the Technical College of Engineering at Rosenhügel in Vienna.

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Schauberger maintained that the key to overcoming gravity and achieving levitation can be found through implosion technology.  Although this tenant is not currently discussed in public scientific circles, recent mainstream media news reports confirm that someone in the cosmos, maybe even from our planet, has clearly mastered what is most likely levitation technology.


In 1944 at the end of the War, all remaining discoid motors, prototypes and working models of the Repulsin were primarily confiscated by the Russians. While AVRO Canada later approached Schauberger for disc development along with a team led by Dr. Richard Miethe, Schauberger refused and instead devoted his remaining life to peaceful uses of his vortex technology by working on various civilian projects which included generators, and both water and air purification systems.


In 1945 the invading Russian intelligence removed Schauberger's research papers and his models from his Vienna flat. The Russians even reportedly burned his apartment in case they had missed any technological secrets hidden there. He was held for a month in 'protective custody' by American forces in Austria. The US government decided he was not to be deported to the US, as were countless other German atomic scientists, engineers, and physicists in Operation Paperclip. The stress from the work and war led Schauberger to a mental breakdown and hospitalization for a brief period. He moved to Leonstein in Upper Austria where he began working on his “Klimator” for domestic air conditioning and agricultural projects.

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From 1945 to 1950 Schauberger focused on research to increase soil fertility and agricultural production. He wrote, “When forests can no longer nurture water sources which supply vitality, then farmland downstream cannot build up a voltage in the ground which is necessary for keeping parasitic bacteria in balance.” Noticing that soil dried out after being ploughed with iron ploughs, he built copper-plated ploughs. Thus, in co-operation with the company Rosenberger in Salzburg, he developed a uniquely designed plow made of copper for soil cultivation (Golden Plough or Bio Plough). The Spiral or Bio Plough turns the soil inwards centripetally rather than outwards centrifugally, turning the soil twice so the layering of the earth remains intact... leaving the microorganisms in the soil layer where they belong.

Plants grown on the ground plowed and rubbed with copper plough proved to be more resistant to pests and had less need for nitrogen uptake. Later, after studying the motions of the mole, he designed a plough with centripetal motion. Soil had no resistance to such a plough, so there was no pressure, friction, and warming that led to moisture loss in the ground. The mass production of the bio plough was prevented because of profits in industrial production of artificial fertilizers. 

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Plough Viktor Schauberger 14

In 1952 he conducted tests with “spiral pipes” at the Technical College in Stuttgart. One design was known as the ‘Double-Spiral Longitudinal Vortex’. This technology eventually verified his theory that different materials and different shapes used in pipes influence the friction of the various fluids. This technology is now used to energize water. At this time Schauberger also continued experiments with copper bio ploughs with the Agricultural Research Institute in Linz, Austria.

In 1954 he developed the “suction spiral”, the centerpiece of the so-called Heimkraftwerk (“Home Power Generator”) which was demolished during the first test run due to regulatory failure.

In 1955 the book Implosion statt Explosion (“Implosion instead of Explosion”) by Leopold Brandstätter was published based on Schauberger’s work and theories.


In 1957 Schauberger developed a co-operation with the company Swarovski from Tyrol to construct more home power generators. However, problems regulating the number of revolutions were unable to be solved.

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Spiral Pipe for Energizing Water

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The so called "sogwendel" originally designed by Viktor Schauberger and reconstructed by Felix Hedinger is a vortex like construction in the shape of a shell that can pump and energize water.

In 1958, two men, which European researchers refer to as “American military agents,” visited Schauberger and convinced him to go to America for what they promised would be only three months. He was led to believe that the purpose would be to convert his knowledge of implosion energy designs into the manufacturing of beneficial devices. Not knowing the real intent and agenda of the “consortium host”, he innocently traveled to Texas with his son Walter.


At first trusting the sincerity of his hosts, Schauberger had brought all his documents and devices to Texas and was then asked to write down everything he knew. He co-operated and the material was sent to an atomic technology expert who met with the Schaubergers for three days in September. Disputes soon developed with the consortium hosts because they were interested in him again working on military disc designs.


The Texas group apparently demanded that the father and son remain in the US and live in the Arizona desert. The Schaubergers refused. The pressure on Schauberger’s was great because original Repulsin motors had fallen into Russian hands and the US suspected Schauberger’s technology would appear as a nuclear armed aircraft over US soil. Schauberger refused to continue participation.


After much argument, the Americans relented and said he and his son could travel home, but first he had to sign a contract. Unfortunately, the contract was in English and the Schaubergers did not know the language well. All of his designs were forcibly signed over to this powerful US consortium. The forced agreement stated that any further research with implosion energy will belong to the Americans. All his documents and equipment he brought with him were forfeited and left behind in the U.S.

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The Heimkraftwerk: a generator based on implosion technology

After allowing Schauberger and his son to return to native Austria, the wizard of the water, as they called him, was completely devastated. Now an old man with a weak heart he said, “they took everything from me, I do not even have myself.”


Only 5 days after returning from America, Viktor Schauberger died on September 25th, 1958, at the age of 73 in Linz, Austria. He was survived by his wife Maria and three children: Walter, Margarete, and Huberta. Walter died in 1994 and is buried in Austria. His wife Maria died in 1978.

Viktor Schauberger shows us that we need to copy Nature in design and movement and as the potential for creation. He criticized our present mechanistic view and exploitation of Nature, which he said will eventually evolve into an environmental disaster. Our culture thinks of Nature as being like a big machine that can be manipulated and its resources extracted for our greed, rather than a creative system that has a purpose. Schauberger suggested we should be working with the laws of natural forces instead of using wasted explosive energy to oppose them.

As an early pioneer of thermodynamic physics and hydroengineering, many of his ideas have contributed to the further development of physics and bioregulatory medicine. This is particularly true of the medicinal and unique properties of water implosion – vortexed water.


We now understand that the vortexing action causes water to implode and restructure. As a result of implosion, several transformations happen to the water: it micro-clusters the water molecules, it increases and/or activates dissolved oxygen in the water, and it restores water’s natural health, structure, and vitality.


Vortexed water or structured water units have been proven to dramatically reduce or eliminate pathogenic organisms as well as toxic chemicals. This water can be used in gardens and lawns and on houseplants, fruit, vegetables. Structured water is naturally softened, and the water is brought to a natural pH balance.

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The Heimkraftwerk

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Schauberger left behind an inheritance of incalculable worth, insights which still inspire, and which form the building blocks of many astounding developments. And this by uncovering something that was already known to the Incas, the ancient Cretans, and Tibetan monks: that all water creates vortices, and that if you let it flow naturally, you might just experience some real miracles. 


Viktor Schauberger, through intuitive sensing and exploration into the intensive dimensions and living intelligence of Nature, has produced a cumulative body of wise and practical initiatives containing life-affirming, regenerative solutions for the environmental and energy problems facing our culture and the Earth.

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Viktor Schauberger Quotes

  • “I Think it would have been much better, had Newton contemplated how the apple got up there in the first place”

  • “Our primeval Mother Earth is an organism that no science in the world can rationalize. Everything on her that crawls and flies is dependent upon Her and all must hopelessly perish if that Earth dies that feeds us.”

  • “The Upholder of the Cycles which supports the whole of Life, is water. In every drop of water dwells the Godhead, whom we all serve; there also dwells Life, the Soul of the First substance – Water – whose boundaries and banks are the capillaries that guide it and in which it circulates. More energy is encapsulated in every drop of good spring water than an average-sized Power Station is presently able to produce.”

  • “Today’s science thinks too primitively; indeed, it could be said that its thinking is an octave too low. It has still not ventured far enough into the realm of energy, and its attitude has remained development was necessary, for how else should a misguided humanity perceive the true interdependencies?

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Books & Further Reading

  • Andersson, Olof: Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy (2002, Gateway Books, ISBN 9780717133901)

  • Bartholomew, Alick: Hidden Nature: The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger (2004, Floris Books, ISBN 978-0863154324)

  • Coats, Callum: Living Energies: An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger (1996, 2001, Gateway Books, ISBN 9780946551972, ISBN 9780717133079)

  • Callum Coats is the author of “Living Energies”, a detailed overview of Viktor Schauberger's theories. He is also the compiler and translator of the Eco-Technology series of four books on Viktor Schauberger's writings, grouped together more or less according to theme, and comprising of “The Water Wizard”, “Nature as Teacher”, “The Fertile Earth”, and “The Energy Evolution”.

  • Cobbald, Jane: Viktor Schauberger: A Life of Learning from Nature (2006, Floris Books, ISBN 9780863155697)

  • Schauberger, Viktor: Unsere sinnlose Arbeit - Die Quelle der Weltkrise, Der Aufbau durch Atomverwandlung, nicht Atomzertrümmerung (1933, Krystall-Verlag GmbH, 2001, Jörg Schauberger, ISBN 978-3902262004) (Released in English as "Our Senseless Toil - The Cause of the World Crisis - Progress Through Transformation of the Atom - Not its destruction!")

  • Schauberger, Viktor & Coats, Callum: Eco-Technology 1: The Water Wizard - The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water (1998, Gateway Books, ISBN 9781858600482)

  • Schauberger, Viktor & Coats, Callum: Eco-Technology 2: Nature as Teacher - New Principles in the Working of Nature (1999, Gateway Books, ISBN 9781858600567)

  • Schauberger, Viktor & Coats, Callum: Eco-Technology 3: The Fertile Earth - Nature's Energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilisation and Forestry (1999, Gateway Books, ISBN 9781858600604)

  • Schauberger, Viktor & Coats, Callum: Eco-Technology 4: Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature (2000, Gateway Books, ISBN 9781858600611)

  • Viktor Schauberger (2006). Das Wesen des Wassers : Originaltexte, herausgegeben und kommentiert von Jörg Schauberger (in German). Baden, München: AT Verl. ISBN 9783038002727. 


      Viktor Schauberger - Comprehend and Copy        Nature (Documentary of 2008)
      Engineering Marvels: Viktor Schauberger
      The Bio Plough

       In German

      Images of Viktor Schauberger’s Designs

  • 113487 Construction for Creating Wild Brooks and Flow Regulation

  • 122144 Artificial Channel for Transporting Logs

  • 134543 Conduction of Water in Tubes & Channels

  • 136214 Installation & Correction of Flow in Draining Channels

  • 138296 Water Conduction

  • 142032 Construction for Fabricating Tap Water

  • 166644 Bio Plow

  • 196680 Tubing for Flowing & Gaseous Media

Other Patents of Viktor Schauberger Issued in Austria

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© 2017-2025 Dr. James Odell, ND, OMD, L.Ac. 

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