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Bioresonance Therapy

Marguerite Lane, ND

Marguerite Lane, ND
Acupuncture has benefited from the discovery of additional meridians and points which were identified by Dr. Voll using electrodermal testing.


Ancient systems of healing refer to energy patterns, such as the aura and chakras described in Ayurvedic medicine, and the acupuncture meridians of Traditional and Classical Chinese medicine. Western medicine ignores what it cannot measure, and this has caused a hole in our understanding of health.

Our medical science considers the body to be a machine. There is an emphasis on finding the malfunctioning part (organ, tissue, biochemical pathway, etc.) and fixing or removing it. This philosophy works very well for acute illnesses or injuries. However, in this century, the greater health challenges concern chronic illnesses and degenerative diseases. We need to enhance our mechanical viewpoint to include the coordination which occurs as a result of the functioning of the various parts.

While medical science has focussed on smaller and smaller pieces of the physical puzzle, physics has moved in the opposite direction for the last 100 years, since the dawn of quantum physics. Physics recognises that there are invisible and immeasurable fields which surround us, influencing many aspects of our lives, including our health.

From the view of modern physics, the body is an extremely complex collection of standing waves created by the electromagnetic vibrations of the many cells, shapes and fluid movements, which reinforce and interfere with each other. If you think about it this way, you may realise that what is happening in the body is like music.

Bioresonance therapy employs concepts, remedies and techniques from acupuncture, resonance, and homeopathy. Let’s examine each of these using modern terminology, such as from the fields of physics and music, and then discuss bioresonance therapy.


It has long been known in acupuncture that the body contains energy lines, or meridians, which must allow the free flow of energy for optimal health. In the last several decades, our scientists have repeatedly tried to locate the physical basis of the acupuncture system, using the basic assumption that anything “real” must be physically detectable.

Only when researchers have used energy detection technologies have they been able to locate the points and meridians. In 1947, Richard Croon, a Germany physician, found a correlation between skin resistance measurements and acupuncture points. Kirlian photography, based on high voltages and high frequencies, has allowed meridians to be clearly seen. Soft laser, microwaves, and acoustic waves have also been used to visualise the meridians.

…in light of the electromagnetic body, the acupuncture system can be understood as the prominent areas of an interference pattern formed by superposition of invisible electromagnetic standing waves.”


All of the matter which makes up the universe is in vibration from the subatomic level upwards. In quantum physics, it is established that light and sound have both wave and material components; biological systems also have these characteristics. Modern biophysics has shown that DNA resonates with coherent vibrations. DNA has radio-like transmitting/receiving properties by which means biological systems can be influenced. It has repeatedly been proven that DNA can even be recreated by transmitting electromagnetic signals to pure water that had never had DNA in it.

Resonance is the matching of one wavelength of vibration to another. This can cause:

  • constructive interference, which amplifies the effect;

  • beat frequencies, an amplification based on the interaction of two or more waves that occasionally line up to produce constructive interference; and

  • destructive interference, which cancels the effect (in the way that noise-cancelling earphones work).

As such, resonance is a handy tool that we can use to affect the standing waves of the body.


Homeopathy has confounded scientists ever since its inception around 1800 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. This is most likely due to another clash of chemical/material reductionist thinking versus physics/energy field and wave concepts. Western scientists have been stymied by the idea that a substance that is diluted into seeming oblivion could possibly have any discernible effect on the body. And yet, homeopathy is still popular because it does indeed work. The answer to homeopathy’s effect is in physics, not chemistry.

Scientists studying the characteristics of water, such as Gerald Pollack and Mae-Wan Ho have elucidated previously unknown structuring behaviour of water, called Coherent Domains (CDs), as proposed by Emilio Del Giudice and colleagues at Milan University.

The coherent domains (CDs) of water… trap EMFs inside and produce coherent oscillations… In fact, the CDs store externally supplied energy in the form of ‘coherent vortices’ [that] are long lasting because of coherence…

But how can the serial dilution and succession of a substance affect the water to make the remedy?

Dr. Ho’s description of the behaviour of coherent domains suggests the way in which homeopathic remedies are made and how they affect the body:

The CDs (coherent domains) oscillate at a frequency common to the EMFs trapped in it and the water molecules in the CD, and this common frequency changes when further energy is stored in the CD. The water CD effectively traps energy and exports it. When the oscillation frequency of the CD matches the oscillation frequency of some non-aqueous solute molecules present on the CD boundaries, these guest molecules become members of the CD and are able to access the entire stored energy, which becomes activation energy for the guest molecules to engage in chemical reactions.


We know that biochemical reactions in the body involve resonance. This quote, from Mae-Wan Ho, confirms this:

There is independent evidence that molecules taking part in a biochemical reaction do share a common frequency, which is how they attract each other, essentially by resonating to the same frequency.

The base principle of bioresonance therapy is to “vibrate” the cellular water structure back to health by introducing a healing resonance which the tissue can be brought to match. The aim is to create a “resonance”, or “reverberation” with energy patterns to either cancel the discordant “notes” or to cause an entrainment to the system using pure, coherent “notes” to correct the patterns in the meridian system.

The correct wave pattern stimulates normal health function (Homoeostasis). These wave patterns can be obstructed or interfered with by resonance of similar wavelengths produced by toxins, viruses, bacteria, electro-magnetic pollution and allergens.

The physicist Dr Zhang concludes:

The mechanism of homeopathy can be understood in terms of the resonance effect in the electromagnetic body.

Bioresonance represents the marriage of acupuncture and homeopathy by means of the concept of resonance. Acupuncture provides an existing basic understanding of energy flows within the body. Homeopathy and similar (such as isopathy) provides a robust and extensive set of therapeutic electromagnetic signatures and combinations to bring the energy flows into balance.

Both of these fields have benefited from the discoveries and use of bioresonance therapy. Acupuncture has benefited from the discovery of additional meridians and points which were identified by Dr. Voll using electrodermal testing. Homeopathy has benefited by the demand for nosodes, organ preparations, combination remedies, and other specific remedies, and by the companies who rose to the challenge to providing these remedies. In addition, because many thousands of these remedies and combinations have been digitised, they cannot be lost to posterity if a supplier ceases to manufacture them for any reason.

Bioresonance therapy uses coherent energy signatures including homeopathic remedies, tested on the patient and chosen based on their resonant effect on one or more acupuncture points, with the aim of improving the energy flow within the electromagnetic body.

Quoting Zhang:

Electromagnetic waves travel more than a million times faster than the movement of molecules and nervous system pulses. In fact, they travel so fast that they can cross the body numerous times and share all information through all parts of the body. For this reason, no event in the electromagnetic body can be isolated from the rest of the body, and the information from every event can be found in the whole body --- it is completely holistic.

When understood in this way, we recognise that energy medicine, particularly bioresonance therapy, represents the future of medicine. Our medical endeavours must move from a purely reductionist basis into the coordination and wholeness which are present in the body.

Classical and non-classical bioresonance therapy

There are two main types of bioresonance therapy: classical bioresonance, and non-classical.

Non-classical bioresonance therapy includes all of the devices that have been developed after and apart from the MORA technology. These devices can be used for electrodermal testing of the acupuncture point and meridian energy, and to discover vibrational medicines which resonate and therefore have a therapeutic effect on the body’s energy environment. They also act as frequency generators, sometimes using test sets of digitised electromagnetic signatures of therapeutic substances and predefined sequences of frequencies, pulsed or non-pulsed, which are called programs.

Classical bioresonance therapy (MORA technology, invented by Dr. Fritz Morell and electrical engineer Eric Rasche) distinguishes itself from the other types of bioresonance devices and therapy because in addition to everything that the other devices do, it is also able to “read” the energy meridians, and increase the flow of the body’s own healthy oscillations, while inverting (so as to cancel out) the flow of unhealthy energies. This therapy adds electrons to the body, by taking the body’s own energetic vibrational patterns, amplifying them and returning them to the body where they are available for healing.

Whether we are talking about classical bioresonance therapy or the more common bioresonance, the therapies are painless, non-invasive, and effective. And of course, holistic.

Because of the testing which takes place before the therapy, bioresonance treatment is specific to each individual and up to date based on the immediate energy situation.

Clinical studies

Bioresonance therapy balances and enhances the energy flow within the meridians so that the patient can easily return to full health. For this reason it is useful for a wide variety of illnesses.

There have been over 70 positive clinical human studies on bioresonance therapy, covering areas as diverse as allergic diseases, smoking cessation, functional diseases of the gastro-intestinal system, rheumatic diseases, obstructive airway disease (OAD), hepatic disease, pains, infectious disease, and amalgam elimination. There were two clinical studies with partial negative results on allergic disease. No adverse effects were found in any of the studies, whose participants totalled 11,941 people.

Two peer-reviewed studies are of particular importance:

  • Herrmann and Galle 2011 (EJIM): Experimental study with 935 participants, chronic therapy resistant patients with allergies, infections and pains (internal-orthopaedic-neurologic), success rate: 80-90% (this is evidence of practical effectiveness)

  • Pihtili, Galle, Cuhadaroglu, et al. 2014 (FKM, peer-reviewed): Randomised, placebo-controlled double-blind study with 190 participants, smoking cessation, same effect as the best medicines however without their partially significant adverse effects (this is evidence of specific effectiveness)

Case study

Using bioresonance therapy in my naturopathic practice is a fulfilling way to practice medicine. The results are quick and lasting. The following is a description of one of the new clients I saw this year. It is a typical case, and not very complicated.

Initial consultation 12 May 2018

The client is a 36-year-old woman with 2 children. She has not been well since her second child was born, in March of 2017. During the birth, she experienced pelvic trauma (pelvic floor and nerve damage). Before her current ill health, she was in full-time practice as a medical doctor.


  • Extreme fatigue – unable to work. Must lay in bed nearly all day. Was forced to move in with her parents so that they can take care of her and her children. Her husband works long hours.

  • Insomnia – it takes 2-3 hours for her to fall asleep at night. She reported that between February and March of this year, she did not sleep at all.

  • Aches and pains in many joints, which started with the insomnia.

  • Constant high levels of anxiety. Had a panic attack 5 months ago (January) and feels on the verge of panic frequently - is worried that she is dying.

  • Diarrhea for 6 months when breastfeeding her second child. Occasional abdominal pain and constipation now, which she attributes to the pelvic trauma during the second child’s birth (pelvic floor and nerve damage). Diagnosis of pre-renal failure during that time.

  • Swollen painful gums and one particularly bad mouth ulcer which started after minor trauma to the gum.

  • Itchy red spots on her face for the past 2 years.

  • Dry eyes and mouth since the panic attack 5 months ago.

  • Constant hunger and weight loss, which is distressing as she is already quite slim. Two parasites were identified in a stool test – Blastocystis and Dientamoeba. This happened after she was swimming in the ocean and suddenly realised that raw sewage was being dumped into the vicinity of where she was swimming. Horrified, she got out of the water as quickly as possible and washed thoroughly.

  • Brain fog.

  • Bruxism for as long as she can remember.


2006 supraumbilical hernia repair

2008 colposcopy with PAP smear

2012 ruptured ectopic pregnancy and removal of Fallopian tube.

carcinoid tumour on appendix

2013 colonoscopy and parasites found

2016 needle stick injury which caused Hepatitis B

2016 Herpes simplex virus

2017 second child born, resulting in pelvic floor and nerve damage, leading to prolapse

In addition to these procedures, she has had eczema, Epstein-Barr virus, influenza and hypertension in the past.


Toxicity measured at 960 scale units (normal is 30 or below, however it is rare for a new client to come in with low toxicity).

Pathogens: Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, Ghiardia, Salmonella, Herpes zoster, Coxsackie viral strains, Grippe strains, 7 species of parasites, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus haemolyticus.

Nutrients deficient or blocked: Folic acid, Zinc, Selenium, Molybdenum, Manganese, Chromium,

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E, K

Imbalances in gut bacteria including Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus.

Stomach pH: 5.5

Blood spin: Resonance with radioactivity

Food intolerances: Cow’s milk products and wheat (nothing further tested at this point)


With a new client I like to proceed cautiously, and although she was debilitated due to lack of sleep, parasites, and diarrhea, I could see that there was plenty of vitality to work with. Therefore, I chose to target the Cadmium and pathogens, and to prescribe an herbal antiparasitic combination which has always given good results in the past. If she had been severely debilitated or showing any kidney symptoms, I would not have targeted Cadmium at this consultation, since it can be hard for the kidneys to remove.

First the blood spin was corrected. This is a short treatment using a drop of blood on a piece of filter paper, placed into a vortex-shaped device called the spin tester. The treatment involves sending the inverted pattern of the blood spin into the client for a little more than 2 minutes. Retesting showed that it was effective.

The supportive treatment was next. Its purpose is to balance the energies in the meridian system while stimulating lymph drainage, liver and kidney function. It included homeopathic remedies which are particularly suitable to assist lymph, liver and kidney function (“drainage” remedies), as well as remedies to aid in healing the GIT, mucous membranes of the mouth, and immune system, plus the vibrational patterns of the nutrients which resonated. Only the remedies and vibrational patterns that resonate are ever used.

The last treatment in this session targeted toxins and pathogens, so I call it the “loosening” treatment. The most toxic heavy metal that resonated with her was Cadmium, therefore this is where I started. I also selected the nosodes that resonated.

I then made two remedy bottles for her to take, using the test sets on my bioresonance device:

  • Sleep drops consisting of homeopathic Ignatia 200K (eases worries). Dosage: a few drops under the tongue nightly at least once, but every time she wakes, take again.

  • Support drops consisting of Nux vomica 200K (for digestion), Gelsemium 30K (for energy), Lycopodium 200K (for liver, gallbladder and pancreas), Echinacea compositum (immune support). Dosage: a few drops under the tongue twice a day.

She was instructed to drink enough filtered water to cause hourly urination during the daytime for 3 days, and to take two antiparasitic herbal tablets (described in table below) daily for 30 days (or possibly longer – we would retest in approximately 30 days to see if a longer dosage time was needed, which did indeed turn out to be the case).

Initial treatment

Second consultation 23 May 2018

When she returned for her first follow-up consultation two weeks later, she reported that her sleep was significantly improved, but she was not able to stay asleep the entire night.

She still had watery diarrhea about three times nightly with urgency and slight abdominal pain.

The red spots on her face were disappearing.

She was still very fatigued, with emotional lability, indecision, fear and feelings of overwhelm.

She confided that she was uncertain of her future and concerned that she might never be able to work again. She felt trapped in her current living situation.

Her toxicity registered as 840 scale units, which is a nice big decrease from the previous measurement of 960. She did not report any particular detoxification (Herxheimer) symptoms. This suggested to me that her kidneys were functioning well.

I retested for resonance with parasites and the pathogens. No resonance found for parasites. Epstein-Barr virus resonated at 200K potency, as did Salmonella D4.


The improvement in her sleep is an important sign. The fatigue will decrease further when the Epstein-Barr virus is no longer detectable.

Testing revealed that she no longer resonated with lead or aluminium although I had not explicitly treated them. I have seen this happen frequently after the initial treatment. The body seems to clear more metals than requested. When this happens, the client normally experiences strong detoxification symptoms, however, she did not notice this.

Her diarrhea was persisting at night, and testing revealed that Salmonella would need to be treated. I also gave her a live culture of kefir and instructions for how to use it. This will rapidly bring her gut flora into balance as the Salmonella leaves.

The antiparasitic herbs must be continued for at least 30 days, with no gaps. This is because any remaining eggs can hatch at any time and if the herbs are in the body at that moment, the hatchlings will immediately die before there’s any possibility of them laying their own eggs and restarting the cycle.

Her body has been in sympathetic dominance for a long time and anxiety had become the new normal. Further support must be done. I created some “calm” drops (see below).


Series of treatments and results

To date, she has come for several more consultation-treatments, during which time her toxicity levels decreased to less than 30, Epstein-Barr and other nosodes stopped resonating, and her energy gradually improved. As soon as the toxic metals were gone, her nutrients were no longer showing deficient/blocked. Here is her progress over the next 3 months:

Current situation

She is now looking forward to returning to full-time work, and is planning her future with enthusiasm. She is reintroducing the foods to which she had been intolerant and is preparing to return to her normal life.


  1. Paraphrased from Zhang, Changlin, Invisible Rainbow – A physicist’s introduction to the science behind classical Chinese medicine, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley California, 2016.

  2. Zhang, ibid, p 47.

  3. Zhang, ibid, pp 64-64, shown with a photograph.

  4. Zhang, ibid, p 114.

  5. Rein & McCraty 1993; as quoted in Oschman, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, 1st edition, Elsevier Limited, © 2000, page 239.

  6. Ho, Mae-Wan, Living Rainbow H2O, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore © 2012, p. 75.

  7. Ho, ibid, p 77.

  8. Ho, ibid, p 78.

  9. Ho, ibid, page 59.

  10. Zhang, op cit, p 114.

  11. Taken from CD that accompanies “Electroacupuncture – A practical manual and resource, by David F Mayor (ed), Elsevier 2007. “The second of Voll’s contributions was to locate many points not on the traditional charts. Some of these are on meridians, and some he proposed as points on new meridians (“vessels”). These meridians differed from the traditional ones, in that they did not correspond to simple organs or functions. Apart from the 24-point Lymph vessel, most have points only on the hands or feet. Voll considered them generally in terms of organic ‘degeneration’, and named them accordingly... For the most part, they have been accepted unquestioningly by his successors. He also created a useful new category of points: the Control measurement points (CMP), located distally on the meridians. He believed that measurements here give an overview of the state of the meridians (in terms of ‘-itis’ or ‘-osis’), although not excluding abnormal readings at other specific meridian points.” [reference for this: Voll R Twenty years of electroacupuncture diagnosis in Germany: a progress report. American Journal of Acupuncture. 1973 March; 3(1): 7-17.

  12. Zhang, op cit, p 112.

  13. Available from Med-Tronik GmbH and BioKat Systeme GmbH.

  14. This information is from the BioKat Systeme GmbH Basic Course materials.

  15. BioKat MV.

Marguerite Lane, ND is the founder, owner, and operator of Chiron Health Care, which has operated in Sydney, Australia for over 18 years. She is a naturopath whose main modality is Bioresonance using the BioKat MV Bioresonance device, which is the fifth generation of MORA technology.

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