R Oettmeier, MD
Alpstein Clinic, Dorfplatz 5, 9056 Gais / AR, Switzerland

Microplastics – more than only a problem
Microplastics are ubiquitous across ecosystems, yet the exposure risk to humans is not completely understood. Focusing on the American diet, the number of microplastic particles in commonly consumed foods, in relation to their recommended daily intake was evaluated. The potential for microplastic inhalation and how the source of drinking water may affect microplastic consumption were also explored. The analysis used 402 data points from 26 studies, which represents over 3600 processed samples. Evaluating approximately 15% of Americans' caloric intake, the authors estimate that annual microplastics consumption ranges from 39000 to 52000 particles depending on age and sex. These estimates increase to 74000 and 121000 when inhalation is considered (Kieran D Cox, 2019). According to estimations we potentially consume as much as 5 mg microplastics per year, which equals the amount of one credit card!
According to reviews in literature, this will have a detrimental effect on the chemical, biological and physical effects that influence our health (see Fig. 1.). Results from correlative studies in people exposed to high concentrations of microplastics, model animal and cell culture experiments, suggest that effects of microplastics could include provoking immune and stress responses and induce reproductive and developmental toxicity (Green, 2022).

Fig. 1. Flow diagram to illustrate the potential human health effects of microplastics (references see Green 2022)
Complications from Microplastics and Cholesterol Crystals in Covid-19 vaccines
The mRNA Covid-19 vaccines contain Polyethylene glycol (PEG) and Cholesterol (Health, 2021). PEG is a polyether compound derived from petroleum with many applications, from industrial manufacturing to medicine and cosmetics (Wikipedia, S. 2023). Depending on its molecular weight, PEG is also known as polyethylene oxide (PEO) or polyoxyethylene (POE). Before the mRNA started, PEG was only deployed for external use in the medical and cosmetic industry. By administration of PEG as an additive for vaccination the substance bypasses all natural mucosal barriers and the following are not controllable. A PEGylated lipid is used as an excipient in both the Moderna and Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines for SARS-CoV-2. Both mRNA vaccines consist of messenger RNA encased in a bubble of oily molecules called lipids; this proprietary lipid technology is used for each. In both vaccines, the bubbles are coated with a stabilizing molecule of polyethylene glycol.
Beside the development of severe allergic reactions (Gaspar A, 2022), the increase of blood clot formation and thrombosis with potential embolism is also discussed. Thromboembolic complications after the COVID-19 vaccination have been reported from all over the world. A systematic review has shown that the most common reported event was cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (65.8%), followed by pulmonary embolism, splanchnic vein thrombosis, deep vein thrombosis, and ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. The authors have concluded that COVID-19 vaccinations have been linked to thrombotic and thromboembolic complications (Favas TT, 2023).
The German industrial engineer Holger Reißner, PhD has examined, according to his own research, over one million Covid-19 vaccines and has shown in many samples’ cholesterol crystals with a size between 10 and 50 microns (not published, only YouTube videos available). Sometimes we see into the blood of Covid-19 vaccinated patients using dark field microscopy the appearance of such spike-like structures that are crystalline bright. Throughout the world such phenomena have been found in Covid-19 vaccinated symptomatic patients and published (Riccardo Benzi Cipelli, 2022). LAZAROU and colleagues have reported about a 61-year old woman who developed severe respiratory problems three days after COVID-19 vaccination. It was diagnosed as an acute pericarditis and approximately 2 liters of haemoserous fluid was removed by life-saving needle aspiration. The microscopic analysis has shown abnormal crystalyne formation (Emilia Lazarou, 2023). Finally, it was published that there was a high increase of unnatural plasma lipids including cholesterol following SARS-Covid-19 vaccination. Using plasmapheresis, all abnormal parameters were quickly normalized (see Fig. 2) (Cheung B, 2021). We must assume that the abnormal findings of unreported similar cases can be extrapolated to the population as a whole.

Fig. 2. Lipid parameters before and after apheresis (explanations see text above)
Removal of Microplastics and cardiovascular risk lipids by using INUSpheresis®
The detoxification and excretion of these unnatural substances by way of the kidney, liver, and intestines is unclear. The larger microplastic structures and the hard soluble cholesterol crystals tend to build up deposits in the intercellular space, connective tissue and organs. The plasma apheresis is able to reduce pathologic lipids and cholesterol effectively. But the double-filter INUSpheresis® can additionally remove microplastic as well as toxic metals and organic toxins. The following figures are demonstrating the analysis of the eluate (filter product) after the treatments (see Fig. 3., 4. and 5.). It has been shown in many studies before (Straube R V.-B. K., 2019), (Bornstein SR, 2020), (Straube R K. H., 1998), (Klingel R, 2003) that the high efficiency of INUSpheresis® diminish the risk of these microplastics, PEG and abnormal cholesterol particles.

Fig. 3. Elongated structures from microplastics found in the filter product after INUSpheresis® (Felix Scholkmann A. M., 2022)

Fig. 4. Analyzed toxic metals found in the filter product after INUSpheresis® (Felix Scholkmann A. M., 2022)

Fig. 5. A selection of analyzed organic toxins found in the filter product after INUSpheresis® (Felix Scholkmann R. T., 2022)
Final Remarks
Under normal conditions, the average person needs two INUSpheresis sessions that are of a duration of about two and a half hours. Depending on the follow up of the patient and target parameters of the laboratory, a repeat process is recommended after six to nine months. For more details about the method you can review this webpage / or QR code below.

Bornstein SR, V.-B. K. (Feb 2020). Extracorporeal apheresis therapy for Alzheimer disease-targeting lipids, stress, and inflammation. Mol Psychiatry, S. 25(2):275-282.
Cheung B, H. J. (25. Sep 2021). Case study of hypertriglyceridemia from COVID-19 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination in a patient with familial hypercholesteremia. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, S. (17):5525-5528.
Emilia Lazarou, P. T. (19. January 2023). Cholesterol pericarditis followingC OVID-19 vaccination. Hellenic J Carciology, S. in press.
Favas TT, L. N. (7. April 2023). Thrombotic and Thromboembolic Complications After Vaccination Against COVID-19: A Systematic Review. . Cureus, S. 15(4):e37275.
Felix Scholkmann, A. M. (1. Dec 2022). Particles in the Eluate from Double Filtration Plasmapheresis—A Case Study Using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (FE-SEM/EDX). Compounds, S. 367-377.
Felix Scholkmann, R. T. (20. June 2022). Changes in Water Properties in Human Tissue after Double Filtration Plasmapheresis—A Case Study. Molecules, S. 3946-3408.
Gaspar A, M. A. (2. Dec 2022). Polythylene glycol severe allergy and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: usefulness of testing with PEG 1500 extract. Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol, S. (275) 1764-1489.
Green, K. B. (March 2022). The potential effects of microplastics on human health: What is known and what is unknown. Ambio, S. 51(3):518-530.
Health, U. (2021). A Comprehensive List of All COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients.
Kieran D Cox, G. A. (18. Jun 2019). Human Consumption of Microplastics. Eviron Sci Technol, S. 53(12):7068-7074.
Klingel R, G. B. (June 2003). Differential indication of lipoprotein apheresis during pregnancy. Ther Apher Dial., S. 7(3):359-64.
Riccardo Benzi Cipelli, F. G. (12. August 2022). Dark -Field MicroscopicAnalysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic PersonsAfter Anti-COVIDmRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna. Int J of Vaccine Theora, Practice and Research, S. 385-444.
Straube R, K. H. (August 1998). Lipoprotein (a) immunapheresis in the treatment of familial lipoprotein (a) hyperlipoproteinemia in a patient with coronary heart disease. her Apher, S. 2(3):243-5.
Straube R, V.-B. K. (May 2019). Lipid Profiles in Lyme Borreliosis: A Potential Role for Apheresis? Horm Metab Res, S. 51(5):326-329.
Straube R, V.-B. K. (August 2019). Lipid Profiles in Lyme Borreliosis: A Potential Role for Apheresis? Horm Metab Res, S. 51(8):554.
Wikipedia. (kein Datum). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyethylene_glycol.

R Oettmeier, MD
Alpstein Clinic, Dorfplatz 5, 9056 Gais / AR, Switzerland