
Should You Take a Vitamin D Supplement?
Nearly half of Americans don't get enough vitamin D, but does that mean you need a supplement?

Nitric Oxide: A Remarkable Molecule That Can Transform Your Health
James Odell, OMD, ND, LAc A Remarkable Molecule Nitric oxide (NO) is a remarkable molecule that plays a pivotal role in human physiology,...

Stressed Out? Monitoring Heart Rate Variability Could Be the Key to a Longer, Calmer Life
Discover the fascinating world of heart rate variability (HRV) - a powerful biomarker that goes far beyond simple heart rate monitoring.

Disrupting Biofilms With Natural Remedies
Learn how biofilms influence everything from gut health to chronic infections, and explore natural strategies to keep them in check.

The pH Factor: Food's Profound Impact on Your Health
Learn why maintaining a slightly alkaline blood pH is crucial and how your dietary choices can support or stress this balance.

Book Review: LYMPHATIC F.L.O.W.
In "LYMPHATIC F.L.O.W.," Kelly Kennedy, presents a transformative exploration of the lymphatic system and its integral role in wellness.

Why 98% of Us Need More Potassium
Learn how much potassium you need, top food sources, and tips for increasing your intake to enhance your overall health.

Natural Headache Remedies: What Are You Missing?
Did you know that approximately 16% of the global population experiences a headache daily?

Got Anxiety? Try These Natural Remedies
Join Dr. James Odell for Season 2 of the Science of Self-Healing Podcast! He's the Medical and Executive Director for BRMI, as well as a...

Hyperthermia's Extraordinary Effects on Cancer Cells
James Odell, OMD, ND, LAc What Is Hyperthermia? Hyperthermia treatment involves raising the temperature of the whole body, or of local...

Book Review: How Can I Heal?
Author: Richard Flook The Bioregulatory Medicine Institute How can I heal seems like a simple enough question on the surface, yet if...

Biological Regulatory Medicine Vs Biological Medicine
Two Terms That Create Misperception and Confusion James Odell, OMD, ND, LAc In 1941, Josef Schier, M.D. defined Biological Regulatory...

The Extracellular Matrix and Ground Regulation: Basis for a Holistic Biological Medicine
Review by James Odell, OMD, ND, L.Ac. The Extracellular Matrix and Ground Regulation: Basis for a Holistic Biological Medicine hardcover...

BEGIN AGAIN, Trauma, Disease and Healing with the Brain Protocol and Biological Medicine
Book written by Dr. Dickson Thom With over 20 years of clinical experience with hundreds of patients, this book outlines the effects that...

The Law of Emptiness: A Bioregulatory Interpretation of The Heart Sutra
By Ian Kennedy, The True Wellness Center Bioregulatory medicine always seeks the underlying cause of why a person may be in a state of...

The Key To Health Is In “Communication”
by Dr. Marlene Siegel, DVM The body communicates with “us” all the time! Symptoms are the most direct communication because they show us...

The Multi-Causative Approach of Bioregulatory Medicine
By Ian Kennedy In the Bioregulatory Medicine approach to health, it is well understood that illness and the onset of many diseases can be...

By Ian Kennedy There is a whirlwind of noise upon our senses. This leaves many people with little to no ability to become silent, or to...

The 8 Root Causes of Disease & The Path Back to Health
The 8 Root Causes of Disease & The Path Back to Health

24 Hour News Cycles: Is Your Mind at Risk? Homotoxicology and Conditions of Mind Control
Mary Coyle, DIHom Mainstream media’s chronic and controlled 24/7 bombardment of fear and uncertainty is relentless. The latest recurrent...