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Compliance in Biological Medicine

This might seem obvious when it comes to improving one’s health, but there is one factor that stands out when determining whether or nor a client will successfully employ European Biological Medicine. And that one factor is compliance. Compliance makes all the difference. (Conversely, choosing therapies based only on what one is willing to do, instead of what one needs to do, is a recipe for failure.) Moreover, compliance is something that is totally in the hands of the client. As practitioners, we can educate on subjects such as wifi exposure, scars on the body, and heavy metal burdens (all of which can be a primary impediment to wellness). We can recommend dietary changes - we can gather information; analyze that information; and suggest therapies. But at the end of the day, if therapies are avoided and changes are not made, how can we expect our client’s health to improve? As a society, we have been lulled into thinking that health is the absence of symptoms and that suppressing symptoms equates to health. Well, you can take pain medication for arthritic joint pain, and that pain might subside, but the degeneration and damage to the joint continues. Whereas contemporary medicine focuses on the illness or disease, Biological Medicine focuses on the individual, and supporting their ability to heal. A teacher once told me, “For things to get better, you have to get better, and for things to change, you have to change.” Similarly, Dr. Thomas Rau was once asked, "When is it too late to use Biological Medicine?” His reply: “It’s never too late to turn around and go in a different direction.” Going in a different direction, however, can be difficult for some - especially when that direction differs from that being dictated by the conventional medical community (which likes to make fear-inducing pronouncements that diverging from their playbook could result in dire consequences). People don’t change if they don’t have to. Over the years, we have witnessed that for most people, compliance levels are directly proportional to desperation levels. My brother smoked cigarettes for over 25 years, and had tried many times to quit. The day he was diagnosed with cancer was the day he finally succeeded in quitting - and never smoked again. When the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of making a change, we change. 

Let’s look at some facts. The number one killer in America is heart disease. Followed by cancer. The third leading cause of death in America? Medical treatment. According to The National Vital Statistics Reports: Deaths from Heart disease: 710,760 Cancer: 553,091 Medical care: 225,400 The medical-care related deaths further break down like this: Adverse drug effects: 106,000 Hospital-borne infections: 80,000 Other preventable errors in hospital: 20,000 Unnecessary surgery: 12,000 Medication errors 7,400 In other words, if heart disease or cancer don’t kill you, the next most-likely culprit is conventional medical treatment. Imagine if those rates of death were caused by any other industry - if, for example, over 200,000+ people were to die in plane crashes each year, none of us would fly. So who gets the most out of the Biological approach? The person who is willing to turn around and go in another direction - to get a different result. The Biological approach is for those who seek and are willing to take guidance and support to facilitate a deeper and more complete healing.

Ian Kennedy is the Founder and Head Clinician of True Wellness of Pennsylvania.

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